Take Me Away!

For Wednesday Bloggin’ this week, Bronwyn, Leigh and I are listing five place we’d like to visit. Now, I’m keeping things pretty general with this one, because if I listed every specific thing I’d like to visit and see before I die… Well, I don’t think anyone would read a blogpost that long!

So here goes nothing…


This is the big one; the destination on the top of my wish list.My entire life I’ve wanted to visit Ireland. I don’t know why, but I’ve always felt a pull. I hope one day to go. I could spend hours exploring, take hundreds of pictures, drink many pints of beer. It’d be heaven. šŸ™‚ Just look at the gorgeousness…

Grand Canyon

I’d have thought by now, the Grand Canyon would have been crossed off my bucket list, but no such luck. I really hope this one happens soon. It is just beautiful, isn’t it? I just want to soak it all in. 


Always wanted to visit Italy, and Rome in particular. The architecture fascinates me. And the food…and THE WINE. Oh, I think I could spend a lot of time in this country and be just fine. šŸ™‚

I think a trip to a vineyard is a must, don’t you? 


I’ve had family live in Alaska and have always wanted to visit. To see the mountains and vastness of it all. Growing up in Upper Michigan, I’ve had the joy of seeing Northern Lights but I can only imagine how spectacular they’d be in Alaska. Maybe one day…


Soon, I’ll be able to cross this one off my list! šŸ™‚ I’ll be taking a trip in the fall to England and I cannot wait. (Seriously, I’m so excited I could almost pee my pants!) I have so many things I want to see, and I know I won’t be able to see them all. So I’m still working on my absolute must see list. One thing I know that is on there? The Globe Theatre – Yeah, I’m a dork. I totally know that and am fine with it. 
The Globe

And that’s it fr
om me this week. šŸ™‚ Be sure to check out Bron’s post and Leigh’s post.

What about you? Where have you always wanted to go?


3 thoughts on “Take Me Away!

  1. I’ve never been to the Grand Canyon either, sadly. But I think it would fall on my list of places to visit in the US, for sure. I’m okay with being kidnapped! I’ll go to any place on this list…or any of them really. I’m in! šŸ™‚

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