Wednesday Randomness: If I Had a Million Dollars….

Happy Wednesday, friends. šŸ™‚ This week’s topic: The First Five Things I’d Buy If I Won A Million Dollars. Well, what a topic. LOL

I’m afraid my list is going to be BORING, but here it is.

  1. Pay off our house – Obvious reasons. And I don’t want a new house. I like my house just fine, thank you, but not having that monthly mortgage payment…THAT would be delightful. 
  2. Pay off hubby’s and my student loans – Again obvious reasons. The amount we owe in student loans is ridiculous, and I KNOW our situation is not unique. 
  3. Help the kids with college expenses – Because. šŸ™‚
  4. Buy a vacation home in the UP on Lake Superior – The UP will always be “home” to me. I miss it more than I can possibly express. I’m lucky that I get to visit often – including the fabulous retreat I’m a part of each year. But it’s always been a dream of mine to have a place of our own up there. On the big lake. Where we could go any time we wanted. 
  5. I don’t know about the final one. I guess I’d want to buy the hubs something he really wanted. Or maybe a trip for the two of us – something we’d both like. We end up doing a lot of traveling separately, so it’d be nice to go somewehre just the two of us to spend some quality time together. 
I know it’s not super exciting, though if it were to ever happen, it’d be super exciting to ME. But that’s what I’d do. 
What would the others do with that kinda cash? Go find out!
Until next week! 

MERLIN CLUB: The Lady of the Lake

Or Another One Where Colin Morgan Breaks My Heart
RECAPā€”It was a dark and stormy nightā€¦in Camelot. A bounty hunter, Halig, comes into town with a girl in a cage.Ā 
Gaius and Merlin are walking home from treating a patient and see her. Gauis tells Merlin that Uther pays a reward to those who capture magic users, and warns Merlin not to interfere.Ā 
But our young warlock doesnā€™t heed this warning, of course, and comes back later to free the girl. As they are escaping, Halig notices she is gone, but Merlin uses magic to knock the bounty hunter down by dropping the tavern sign on his head, but the blow doesnā€™t knock him out. Halig sees two figures running away.Ā 
Merlin leads the girl to the caves beneath the city and promises to take care of her. She wants to know why he helped her. He says it could have easily been him in that cage. He tells her his name and learns hersā€”Freya.Ā 
Halig goes to Uther and tells him of the girlsā€™ escape. Gaius is surprised when the bounty hunter says the druids fear her and cast her outā€”it goes against what he knows of the druids and their desire to help those in need. Uther orders her found, along with the accomplice Halig mentions seeing. A search begins.Ā 
In the morning, Merlin steals some food from Arthurā€™s breakfast
(and the seriesā€™ continuing joke about Arthur getting fat begins) and brings it to Freya. They share some moments and grow closer (omg, if i was in a dark cave with freaking Colin Morgan, weā€™d be sharing more than momentsā€¦oh, sorry, back to the recap).Ā  So the next day, Merlin steals more food from Arthur, but on his way to Freya, Merlin is taken by Halig. The bounty hunter questions Merlin and doesnā€™t believe Merlinā€™s claims of not knowing anything. Arthur comes on before Halig can rough Merlin up, and says that his manservant has his complete trust. Gaius also questions Merlin about his involvement in the girlā€™s escape but Merlin denies everything.Ā 

That night, at midnight, two lovers are attacked and killed. When examining the bodies the next day, Gaius finds the evidence conflictingā€”the wounds were clearly made by an animal, but there are human footprints leading away from the bodies. Uther says it must be a magical creature.Ā 
Merlin is spending more time with Freya, and there is sweet, sweet romance in the air.Ā 
He decides that heā€™s going to get her out of Camelot, and heā€™s going to stay with her. She protests but is clearly pleased with the suggestion. Merlin goes to Morganaā€™s chambers to steal a dress for Freya, and is caught by Gwen, using some BS story about moth holes to make a quick getaway. He runs into Arthur on his way, and the prince clearly thinks Merlinā€™s cross dressing.
The next time midnight rolls around, two guards are killed and the same evidence is found along with an eye witness account of a gigantic cat with wings. Gaius does his research thing and goes to Merlin with his findings. He say that Freya is cursedā€”every night at midnight she becomes a Bastet and must kill.Ā 
She has no control over it. Merlin confesses that he helped Freya but doesnā€™t believe what Gaius is telling him. The bells begin to toll and Merlin runs out of their chambers.Ā 
Freya, who was trying to escape Camelot, is cornered by Halig, Arthur and a group of knights. Unfortunately, itā€™s midnight so Freya transforms and tears Halig apart before attacking Arthur and his men. The prince manages to wound the Bastet and it makes its way into the courtyards. Merlin comes running onto the scene, and it seems like the beast recognizes him. Merlin uses magic to make a gargoyle fall, distracting the men long enough for the Bastet to escape. Merlin runs after her into the caves. Even in Bastet form, Freya allows Merlin to pet her before she retreats farther into the cave. He finds her back in human form, clearly dying from the wounds. She tells him her storyā€”she was cursed by a sorceress after accidentally killing the sorceressā€™s son in self-defense.Ā 
Merlin takes Freya to a lake. She says she is grateful to him for making her feel loved. She thanks him and vows someday to repay him. He places her body on a boatĀ and using magic, sends it out on the water and sets it ablaze.Ā 
This kills me. How he falters before completing the spell to set the boat a blaze. Kills. Me. Every time. Damn you, Colin Morgan, for doing what you do so well.Ā 
When he returns to Camelot. Gaius consoles him. Later, Arthur finds him doing his chores. He knows Merlinā€™s been upset and asks about it. And there’s this sweet Merthur moment to end the episode.Ā 
If Iā€™d written this episode, I would have changedā€¦ Bron brought this up while we were watchingā€¦ How could Halig NOT know Freya transformed into the Bastet. She said she was in the cage for several days/nights. She transforms at midnight. WTF? He seems so shocked when she transforms, and that just doesnā€™t make sense. So Iā€™d have her not be in the cage that long or have a reasonable explanation for him not knowing.Ā 

Thing(s) I loved about this episodeā€”Motherfreaking Colin Morgan. Dear GOD, I cry every time I see this episode. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Because of HIM!! Last episode, I said Bradley James knocked it out of the park with his Angry Arthur. Well, Colin killed it in this episode. His connection with Freyaā€¦ When he says Gaius doesnā€™t understand what itā€™s like to be a monster and fearing what you areā€¦ (and we know heā€™s not just talking Freya here) His devastation at losing Freayā€¦ *sigh* Brilliantly done.Ā 

Thing(s) I hated about this episodeā€”Uther seemed out of character. It was weird. A magical girl is on the loose and heā€™s so casual and laid back about it. It doesnā€™t fit his usual overly zealous attitude about catching sorcerers. Not that I like Uther that way, but him NOT being that way was just odd and made me uneasy. LOLĀ 
Something I never noticed about this episode beforeā€” This is the first time weā€™ve seen a gargoyle around the castle since Sigan made them all fly and stuff. Now, I really have to go back to early episodes to see if theyā€™re ever shown. I suspect, there are only gargoyles when it is needed for the plot.Ā 
Favorite costumeā€”Oh this episodeā€¦. I got to see Merlin sans neckerchief, by fire/candlelight AND soaking wet. It was lovely. Add thisā€”my favorite ā€œcostumeā€ courtesy of Arthurā€”and seriously I was in HEAVEN.Ā 
Here is proof of some random head canon Iā€™ve createdā€” When Halig is questioning Merlin, Arthur shows up awfully quickly. Especially since Merlin just left him eating breakfast. Itā€™s like he knew Merlin was in danger (and needed his man. ROWR). More proof of the connection they have? Not much, but itā€™s all I have this episode.Ā 
What would Bron steal from Camelot in this episode?
I TOTALLY meant the tub, not hot Bradley James in a towel… šŸ˜‰ Maybe.Ā 
What made Jen lose her shit (in a good or bad way) in this episode? That Merlin was willing to do all of this for Freyaā€”a strangerā€”but continues to lie to and doesnā€™t help Morgana, his friend.Ā 
Until the next episodeā€”Sweet Dreamsā€”which weā€™ll be watching, 6/16, at 8pm EST. Weā€™ll be on Twitter with the hashtag #MerlinClub

Wednesday Randomness: To Write, I Need…

Happy, happy Wednesday! This week, the ladies and I are talking about what we *need* to write.

So, there are the basics, yeah? And that is really just two things for me.

  1. Something to write on – Computer or even a notebook and pen. 
  2. Some kind of caffeinated beverage. And yes, this is a NEED at this point in my life. 
I’m easy, okay? 

Now, there are things I prefer to have when I write and that make it a much more productive process. Those would include: 
  1. My comfy chair and ottoman. But I can write pretty much anywhere. On a couch, at the table, on a bed, on the floor, in a box, with a fox…
  2. A quiet, calming, relaxed atmosphere. I couldn’t even type that without laughing because that would be fabulous but hasn’t happened around this gal for like seventeen years. And there is no signs of that changing anytime soon. So I settle instead for…
  3. Music via earbuds to drown out the chaos that is the Jarman household. I have playlists now that fit the mood of the books I’m currently working on.
  4. Access to friends – by phone, email, texting, IMing. I don’t care how but I need to be able to touch base with my buddies. Either to help me through a freakout (I wish I could say they are a rare occurance, but…), help me through an issue with the book, or just to talk and give me a much-needed break. And I am here to return that favor for them any time they need it. 
  5. Internet – Of course I could write without it, but I don’t want to and it would make things so much more difficult. Having information at my fingertips…love. Of course, it can also get me into trouble.
Hello, distracting Merthur fanfic….

And that does it. šŸ™‚ 

Be sure to check out what the rest of the Wednesday ladies need to write. šŸ™‚ 

Until next week!

MERLIN CLUB: The Sins of the Father

Or the Time Arthur Learns Some of the Truth But Then It’s Buried in LIES Again!

RECAP – In the ruins of a castle, we see a sorceress using magic to watch Arthur in a crystal. A bit reminiscent of Nimuehā€¦bless her barbecued via lightning soul. This new lady says that Arthur has a great destiny and the battle for his soul is about to begin.Ā 

In Camelot, a group of men are being knighted and Uther is talking about his favorite subjectā€”the knightā€™s code. A figure in armor enters Camelot, killing guards and entering the Great Hall. A gauntlet is thrown down in challenge and Arthur accepts. He asks to know who his is fighting against. Once the helmet is removed, we see itā€™s the sorceress; she says her name is Morgause.Ā 
Uther brings in our favorite Guess Who librarian, Geoffrey of Monmouth to check the rules of challenges, I guess. But poor Geoffrey cannot come through for our king this time. There are no rules preventing a woman from issuing a challenge, and by the knightā€™s code, Arthur has to fight. Uther warns him not to underestimate her because sheā€™s a woman.Ā 
Later that evening, Arthur sends Merlin to ask Morgause to withdraw, since he doesnā€™t want to kill a woman, but she refuses. So Arthur is stuck, because he canā€™t withdrawal without looking like a coward.Ā 
The duel happens. Arthur manages to wound Morgauseā€™s arm but she eventually wins. On the ground, with her blade to his throat, she offers to spare his life if he agrees to meet her outside of Camelot in three days and accept whatever challenge she gives him. He accepts.Ā 
After, Gaius is treating Morgauseā€™s wound and he recognizes the bracelet she wears. When he asks her, she says sheā€™s only been to Camelot once, when she was a baby, so he wouldnā€™t remember her. She thanks him and leaves.Ā 
Morgana goes to Morgauseā€™s chambers and introduces herself. Morgause notes that Morgana seems tired. Morgana says she has trouble sleeping, then asks if they had ever met. Morgause says no and asks Morgana to remember her fondly. She offers her her bracelet as a gift, saying it has healing powers and will help her sleep. Morgana refuses. That night, Morgause is Morganaā€™s chambers as the other woman sleeps and leaves the bracelet by the bed, casting a spell.Ā 
When Morgana wakes the next day, she has slept better and later than she has in a long time, and notices the bracelet.Ā 
As Morgause prepares to leave Camelot, she reminds Arthur of his promise and tells him heā€™s a man of honor. A trait he clearly inherited from his mother. Arthur asks if Morgause knew her, and she confirms this but rides away before he can question her further.Ā 
When Arthur tells Uther of his promise and plan to meet Morgause, Uther flips his shit. Obviously, Morgause is a sorceress and is luring him into a trap. And that was probably why she won in the duel. Now, in this instance Uther is rightā€”sheā€™s a sorceressā€”but he has no reason to think this. No evidence. But itā€™s his fall backā€¦SORCERY. Heā€™s obviously just worried his secrets are going to be revealed. Arthur argues that heā€™s honor bound to meet her. Uther, though, is having none of that. Screw the precious knightā€™s code now. He confines Arthur to his chambers.Ā 
Merlin helps Arthur escape so he can be all honorable and shitā€¦and find out something about his mama. The next morning, Gaius finds Merlin missing and quickly figures out what is going on. Uther is pissed off and sends search parties after Arthur.Ā 
When the physician goes to give Morgana her sleeping draught, she tells him that she doesnā€™t need it thanks to Morgauseā€™s bracelet. He goes right to Uther, informs him that the bracelet hast the emblem of the House of Gorlois. The only reason Morgause would have it is she is Morganā€™s half-sister. Uther says he was told the child died, and Gauis confesses that he got her out of Camelot as a baby and gave her to the High Priestess of the Old Religion. He never spoke of it because he made an oath, and only breaks that know because he fears her intentionsā€”and she would have been trained in very powerful magic. Uther says Morgana can never learn Morgana has a half sister; he wonā€™t have her loyalties divided.Ā 
On their journey, Arthur tells Merlin he knows nothing of his mother, that she died right after he was born and Uther never speaks of her. Merlin shares that he never knew his father and they bond and stuff.Ā 
They eventually come to a lakeā€”guided by Arthurā€™s horse which has been enchanted by Morgause. The horse takes Arthur into the lake. They boys cross and enter a cave. Once out of the cave, they see the ruins of a castle. Once inside, they find Morgause who tells him to put his head on an executionerā€™s block. Even though Merlin protests, Arthur does it.Ā 
Luckily, he doesnā€™t lose his head. Morgause was testing him. She offers him a reward and he requests information on his mother. Merlin protests again, but Arthur says she hasnā€™t harmed them so far and perhaps his fatherā€™s belief that all magic is evil is wrong.Ā 
Morgause magically brings forth Ygraine and Arthur is able to talk to his mother. He speaks of how sorry he is that she died because of him and she tells him he has nothing to be sorry for; it is Uther who takes the blame for her death. Arthur then finds out that when Ygraine was unable to conceive, Uther went to Nimueh to beg her to give him a son through magic. Desperate to have an heir, he sacrificed his wife without her knowledge.Ā 
To say Arthur is upset is an understatement. When they return to Camelot, he goes immediately to confront his father. He yells at Uther, calling him a hypocrite and a liar. He throws his gauntlet down and they fightā€”Uther reluctantly. Just as Arthur has his father down and his sword to his throat, Merlin and Gaius rush in. Merlin says what they saw wasnā€™t Arthurā€™s mother. It was an illusion of Morgauseā€™s meant to turn Arthur against his father and destroy Camelot.Ā 
After making Uther swear it is a lie, Arthur lowers his sword and is in tears, apologizing. Father and son embrace.Ā 
Later, in Gauisā€™ chambers, Uther thanks Merlin and calls him a trusted ally in the fight against magic. He tells Merlin he has to vigilant against those who would exploit and harm Arthur. He also says that if Merlin ever tells of what happened between Uther and Arthur, he would be killed.Ā 
After Uther leaves and Gauis returns, the physician says it must have tempting to just let Uther die. Merlin says it was but he knows Arthur would never have forgiven himself if heā€™d killed his father.Ā 
Back at the castle ruins, Morgause smugly looks into her crystal, but becomes angry when she sees father and son sitting together laughing.Ā 
If I had written this episode, I would have changedā€¦.They could have been more original with the opening, introducing Morgause. It was just way to similar to how they did it with Nimueh. Mysterious sorceress in an isolated place encanting spells. And the ending as well, looking to see how their plan worked (Morgause looking into the crystal, and Nimueh scrying into the pool of water) only to then be pissed off when it didn’t work out in their favor. Just wish they’d varied it up a little bit.Ā 
Thing(s) I loved about this episodeā€”Let’s face it, Bradley freaking James…he acted HIS ASS OFF in this episode. From the desire Arthur feels to learn about his mother, to the scene WITH his mother, and finally the showdown with Uther. OMG, angry Arthur…it was a sight to behold and just lovely. That was my favorite part of the episode.Ā 
The boys bonding over their absent parents was nice.Ā 
And finally, Merlin lying to Arthur to save Uther. He could have let Uther die; it would have been so easy, but he knew Arthur would hate himself, wouldn’t be able to live with the fact he killed his father. It’s clear that Arthur means more to Merlin than anything. Think about it–Arthur’s attitude toward magic was definitely changing/softening, Uther is a huge obstacle to the destiny the two younger men share. By all rights, Uther’s death would have taken them one step closer to what Merlin is working so hard to acheive. But Arthur and his emotional wellbeing totally trumps that.Ā 
Thing(s) I hated about this episodeā€”This was hard for me this week. So here goes nothing…
All the freaking…
Seriously, all the lying is maddening. And at least right now, poor Morgana is the one most lied to. Gauis lies to her about her powers. Uther lies about a whole lot, but makes of hiding the fact that she has a half-sister.
And, I feel like a broken record saying Uther again. But come on, Uther! People can read fatherly concern into his actions and that he is so worried about Arthur. But that’s not it at all. His concern is his lies and secrets being revealed. When he finds that Morgause has spoken to Arthur about knowing Ygraine, WHAM, he’s suddenly calling her an enchantress.Ā 
Hell, he even says Morgause knowing the circumstances of Arthur’s birth and telling him is what he fears most in the world. That is your worst fear? Not that perhaps your son is going to be killed or something horrible like that? Nope, Arthur and others learning his secrets, that’s the worst thing that can happen.Ā 
Hey, Uther…
Something I never noticed about this episode beforeā€”A continuity error in Merlin’s costume. When he’s running to go stop Arthur from killing Uther, on the stairway, he’s wearing red shirt and blue neckerchief. The next shot of him running in the hallway, he is wearing the red shirt but no neckerchief. Then when he’s in the council chambers, pleading with Arthur, he’s suddenly wearing a blue shirt and red neckerchief.Ā 
I rewinded it a couple times to make sure I wasn’t seeing things. LOL I tried to find good screen shots of it but failed. Then I was rewatching again when I was writing up this post and watched with commentary, for shit’s and giggles. And Colin Morgan totally pointed it out. šŸ˜€Ā 
That’s why it took Merlin so long to get there, he was changing along the way. šŸ˜€
Favorite costumeā€”Merlin in leather gloves. Does that count as a costume? I have a thing for his hands already…now leather gloves? Le sigh
Here is proof of some random head canon Iā€™ve createdā€”There is more than sisterly love going on with Morgana and Morgause. I could go on about the incest-y vibe this family show throws at us, but I won’t. I’ll just say that from the beginning there is more than platonic love between siblings between these two. I stand by this theory and will tell you why as the series considers. From this episode…
Morgana seems enamored with her from the beginning. Watching her from the window etc. During the duel, Morgana is clearly more concerned when the hot chick she barely knows is wounded in the arm then when Arthur, who she’s grown up with, is clearly losing
The exchange in Morgause’s chambers. Holy sexual tension! Seriously, it was THICK. Morgana was totally checking out Morgause in her see through top.Ā 
She can’t keep her eyes off of their gloriousness.Ā 
Morgause was intense as hell. And not in a omg-you’re-my-long-lost-sister way. In a definite I’m-digging-you way.Ā 
And the soulful, longing looks as they part…with Morgause asking Morgana to remember her fondly.
What would Bron steal from Camelot in this episode? Morgana’s bed spread
What made Jen lose her shit (in a good or bad way) in this episode? I don’t know!! I would have to say the continued lying to Morgana from Gauis and Uther.Ā 
Until the next episode – The Lady of the Lake – which weā€™ll be watching, 6/9, at 8pm EST. Weā€™ll be on Twitter with the hashtag #MerlinClub

Wednesday Randomness: Fave Movies


Happy Wednesday! It’s the first Wednesday of the month so that brings up to another “A Few of My Favorite Things” post. This month we are doing movies.

I have TONS of movies I love and it’s actually a constant changing list, so I’m going to limit myself to a handful I watch again and again.

Pride and Prejudice – the A& E version with Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle. Now I enjoy other adaptations, quite a bit actually, but this is my overall favorite. I love Colin Firth’s Mr. Darcy. And I think this version better reflects the book than others I’ve seen.

A Royal AffairĀ – I watched this on Jenny Trout’s recommendation. When I finally got to it, Jenny was NOT online. That didn’t stop me, friends, from having an entire conversation with her while I watched this…this…wonderfully beautiful film. She came home to like 20+ IMs from me as I reacted to the movie. There is copious amounts of costume porn (le sigh) and, OMG, the dance scene between Struensee (Mads Mikkelsen!) and the Queen…

I can’t even adequately describe it. The tension, the gorgeousness of it… *deep breath* I could watch that alone again and again. And have. šŸ˜€

Mists of AvalonĀ – One of my all time favorite Arthurian movies. Honestly, I don’t know what to say about this. There’s just so much. I’ll just say I love the character of Morgaine in this. My heart breaks for her but her love for her brother, Arthur, and how strong she is…beautiful. I will readily admit, though, I want to smack Guinevere a lot during this movie.

Constantine – I just caught this the other night while I happened to be on IM with Kris Norris. I know she’ll approve its inclusion on this list. (Keanu, eh, Norris?) I don’t have a ton to say about this, other than I love to watch this again and again. Good vs evil, angels and demons, a wee bit of sexual tension…What’s not to love?

Braveheart – I’m not a huge Mel Gibson fan, but I love this movie. I know it’s not even historically accurate, but I don’t care. I’m just entertained by it. Again and again. And I named one of my kids after Catherine McCormick’s character, Murron, because I liked the way it sounded. Though I changed the spelling a bit. šŸ™‚Ā 

Lord of the Rings trilogy (that counts as one, right? :D) – No shocker that I like the movies as these are some of my favorite books. I’m fairly certain this is going to show up on Gwen’s list. She has mad love for Viggo/Aragorn. And I appreciate that…AND HIM. But for some reason, I go against all my usual preferences and find myself totally digging to Legolas.Ā 

I don’t know what it is. I don’t usually go for blonds (and I do think Orlando Bloom is fine when when he is not rocking the long blond wig). Apparently this fictional dude and Bradley James are the exception to my rule.Ā 

Monty Python and the Holy Grail – OMG, the love I have for this movie knows no bounds. Just watch it, if you’ve never seen it. Watch it again, if you’ve seen it before.Ā 

And I’m going to leave it there. Because I’m cracking the hell up over the Holy Grail quotes and I think I’m going to go watch the movie again. šŸ˜€

I can’t wait to see the other ladies’ lists. Ā I *know* Labyrinth will be on Bron’s list… I’ve just witnessed her horror that I’ve never seen it. I don’t know why… It’s on my Netflix queue/list and has been for some time, but I’ve just never watched. She is now plotting to rectify this grievous offense on my part. šŸ™‚Ā 

Until next week!