MERLIN CLUB: The Darkest Hour, Parts 1 & 2



Or the One Where Everyone Tries to Be Lancelot – The Noblest of the Noble

Happy Halloween. How appropriate to be posting about The Darkest Night today as they are celebrating Samhain and have to deal with ghostly things.

All right, so the episode opens with Sir Leon, Sir Elyan and a couple other knights coming across Morgana pulling a cart.


Not exactly sure where it is, but the place is pretty barren. They end up getting knocked around by Morgana magically…tumblr_mzze0ibmoz1ryc6j5o2_250

then we see that it’s Morgause in the cart. Seriously, wtf happened to her? Her face I sall deformed—that was not how we last saw her!? Sure, she got slammed into that pillar but it didn’t cause that! But there is no explanation really what’s going on with her, but apparently she’s in a bad way.Morgause_0001

Back in Camelot, we find Uther is not in the best way either. Apparently, your daughter—who who flirted and (I swear) carried on with just to keep your secret (Thank you, Jenny Trout—I fully accept this head canon)—stealing your throne and ruling tyrannically until your son saves the day with the help of people who have every right to hate your ass is hard on a king. He’s been unwell ever since—and it’s been a year since all that has happened. We meet greasy Agravaine—and we do NOT like him. Just trust me on this.


So Leon and Elyan warn Arthur about Morgana, and that night there is a feast. Celebrating Samhain. Because that’s not confusing in a kingdom that abhors anything magic and/or related to the Old Religion. And I have believe celebrating when the veil between worlds in thinnest is somehow connected to the Old Religion.

While the feast is happening, Morgana and Morgause arrive at the Isle of the Blessed, where Morgause, who is apparently dying, convinces a hesitant Morgana to sacrifice her so the veil is torn open and horror is unleased upon their enemies. When she does this, Morgana is thrown back and knocked out. Back in Camelot, Merlin feels the power of the act and passes out himself. Both Morgana and Merlin see the Cailleach—the gatekeeper of the veil.


Dude, it’s Bridget Jones’ mom. She’s really let herself go!

She calls Merlin “Emrys” a few times all creepy-like. She tells Morgana that her enemies my suffer, but she has to beware of Emrys, who is her destiny and her doom. Oooooh.

Gaius suspects because of the timing of Merlin’s fall out of consciousness, that the veil has been torn, most certainly by Morgana since she was seen traveling to the Isle of the Blessed. A girl arrives from outside Camelot and tells Arthur about deaths in her village, people killed by screaming things with no faces. Encyclopedia Gaius informs them they are the Dorocha—the spirits of the dead.


Of course Arthur takes some knights to this village. And Merlin too. This is where we discover Merlin’s magic doesn’t work on the Dorocha, and actually seems to fade in their presence.

The Dorocha attack Camelot—they can be repelled by light it seems. Soon, the bodies are piling up. The corpses look frozen from the touch of the Dorocha. People are coming from everywereh fro protection in Camelot. We get to see Sir Percival of the Biceps save three children and nearly pay with his life—because he had to put down his torch to carry them all—but Elyan jumps in and saves the day. Merlin becomes quite scared since his magic doesn’t work, and tells Gaius he’s never felt so week. There’s some banter between prince and manservant about how scared Merlin is…but Arthur admits he is too.

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As Merlin prepares for the journey, Gaius asks him not to go. His magic doesn’t work. Merlin says he plans to take Arthur’s place.

Next, we see Greasy Agravaine going to a hovel in the woods to meet…da da dum, Morgana. See? Told you we didn’t like and trust this guy. He tells Morgana of Arthur’s plan.

Arthur and his knights—Leon, Gwaine, Percival, Elyan, and Lancelot—and Merlin head out. Lancelot keeps trying to get Merlin to leave, to protect himself, but of course the young warlock will not. They arrive at some ruins and gather wood for the night even though they can hear the Dorocha around them. When they inevitably run out of wood, Arthur and Merlin go to collect more, and are attacked by the ghostly creatures.

They manage to get away and hide themselves in a room. They tease each other and try to reassure each other.

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tumblr_mz3c75FB9c1s8r3dxo5_250tumblr_mz3c75FB9c1s8r3dxo1_250tumblr_mz3c75FB9c1s8r3dxo8_250tumblr_mz3c75FB9c1s8r3dxo6_250tumblr_mz3c75FB9c1s8r3dxo2_r1_250tumblr_mz3c75FB9c1s8r3dxo7_250One of the Dorocha finds them and just as Arthurmoves to stand, Merlin pushes him aside and jumps right into the spirit.

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He’s flung back and hits the wall. The knights, who’d been looking for the pair, rush in. They go to Merlin, and find him frozen. He seriously looks dead and I nearly died, too, because not my Merlin!

But, never fear, Merlin Clubbers, because our boy has survived. Of course it looks like he’s on his way to dying. Arthur plans on taking him back to Camelot and Gaius. Leon says they cannot abandon the quest. I have strong feelings about this.

Lancelot voluneteers to take Merlin while the others continue on.


On the way, when they stop to rest at a river, Lancelot meets the spirits of the water—Valia.


They will protect the pair from the Dorocha and heal Merlin.

The next morning, Merlin is recovered and anxious to catch up with Arthur and the other. Lancelot protests, but Merlin wins, and off they go. They stay in a deserted house for the night. A Dorocha attacks, and they run. Merlin summons Kilgharrah (swoon) who drives away the spirits with his dragon fire. The dragon asks Merlin who his friend is and after finding out, calls Lancelot the bravest and noblest of them all. Kilgharrah tries to talk Merlin out of his plan to take Arthur’s place as the sacrifice, but cannot. He says that the world “will be an empty place without you, young warlock.”

As they continue on, they have this conversation…

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It’s CANON, people. Merlin admitted, to him, Arthur is more important than anything else.

Meanwhile Arthur and the knights have to travel through Wilddeorren infested caves to save some time on their journey and barely survive. Because Arthur failed to inform the others the beasts hunt in packs and Gwaine slays one.

In Camelot, Greasy Agravaine (yes, I will prob call him that every time I have to talk about the ass. You’ve been warned) has closed the gates to prevent food running out, and Gaius calls him on it. Gwen asks to address the court and managed to convince them to open the gate. Greasy Agravaine tells morgan about this and she is furious, because of her vision of Gwen sitting on her throne, and wants to take Gwen out.

While Gwen is caring for Uther—seriously, writers, do you have to make her that freaking selfless and perfect? You go to far, really—Greasy Agravaine apologizes to her and asks her to go to his chambers later to discuss the situation. And Gwen sees nothing wrong with this! What?! No, no, no, no, NO! She even boasts to Gaius that she thinks Greasy Agravaine wishes to seek her council. Why can’t she see what a douche the guy is? She’s always been so smart before. This is disappointing.

Morgana enters Camelot secretly, and after Gwen leaves Greasy Agravaine’s chambers—after some really awkward moments and him looking down her (admittedly awesome) cleavage—and walks home, she uses magic to fling her former maid around. Gwen loses consciousness and Morgana leaves her for the Dorocha. Gaius finds Gwen and treats her, telling her someone’s wanting to get rid of her.

Merlin and Lancelot catch up to the others.



And, omg, Arthur is so happy to see Merlin alive and well. It’s lovely.

While the others are sleeping, Merlin and Arthur play their favorite game – No, I’ll Die For You… Oh No No, I’ll Die…

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The group makes it to the Isle of the Blessed. There are Wyvern to be dealt with. And Merlin commands them to leave (more swooning…) but more move in. Leon, Elyan and Percival work to hold them off and the others continue on. And there is the Cailleach. Arthur tells her to close the veil. She protests saying she didn’t open it.

Gwaine steps forward, but she flicks him away like a fly. Arthur says he will sacrifice himself, but before he can, Merlin knocks him out (sensing a theme yet again). The Cailleach asks if he’s come to challenge her, after all. When it’s clear he’s sacrificing himself, she says his time among men has not ended, even if he wanted it. He looks over to the tear in the veil and sees Lancelot stepping into it. His friend looks back and smiles then enters—closing the veil.


They return to Camelot, and a funeral is held for Lancelot. Arthur says he is one of the bravest, most noble knights Camelot has had. Gwen tells him, as she cries that Lancelot didn’t sacrifice himself for Camelot but because he promised her he would protect Arthur with his life.

Morgana is royally pissed her plans have been ruin again. She believes it was because of this Emrys the Cailleach warned her of. She asks Greasy Agravaine to find this man and kill him. He goes to Gaius and asks if he’s ever heard of Emrys. Gaius does a piss poor job of lying, saying he’s doesn’t know who Emrys is. After Greasy Agravaine leaves, Gaius tells Merlin that Morgana had to have learned of Emrys from the Cailleach. He warns the younger man that Morgana can never learn the truth about his identity and his magic.

If I’d written this episode, I would have changed… Well, I’d just not have Greasy Agravaine. That would make things infinitely better. Seriously, I wouldn’t have had it being Gwen who was caring for Uther. I actually hate it. After all he did to her and her family, come on! I know, I know, she says she’s not doing it for Uther; she’s doing it for Arthur. Still, COME ON! She is written too perfectly and it’s kind of annoying.

Also, there’s no explanation given to why Greasy Agravaine is in league with Morgana. I’m trying to remember and I don’t think it’s ever explained beyond his hatred for Uther. I could be wrong, and I’m going to be watching carefully for this in the coming weeks. But even if he loathes Uther—he caused the deaths of his sister and brother (Uther killed Tristan in a challenge after Igraine’s death)—why would he side against Arthur. His sisters’s son. It doesn’t make sense, and I don’t remember it being adequately explained. Like, I said, I’ll be watching for it!

Thing(s) I loved about this episode—There’s a lot…as evidence by my stuffing so many pics in this post! Merlin/Arthur banter. Loved. Lancelot’s sacrifice. Merlin trying to sacrifice himself for Arthur—admitting Arthur was the most important thing in his life. Worried!Arthur. Merlin and dragonspeak…twice in one episode. TWICE. It was like freaking Christmas!


Thing(s) I hated about this episode—Gwen trusting Greasy Agravaine and actually going to his chambers. That doesn’t fit her character at all. She wasn’t suspicious of him at all…until she was there. Then, it seemed she was getting a clue. Nope, this is not our smart Gwen.

And I hate that Lancelot wasn’t in Camelot longer. I hate that he died. Sure, he was a knight – his dream – for a year, but we didn’t get to see that. 😦

Something I never noticed about this episode before—Poor Arthur getting Lancelot thrown in his face. I honestly don’t think Gwen should have said anything to Arthur about Lancelot’s promise. She could have confided in Merlin—they’re supposed to be good friends—or her brother. But Arthur is feeling enough guilt, I would think. He didn’t need to have that tossed at him. That Lancelot looooved Gwen so much, he took Arthur’s place, because she asked him to. Just my opinion though. 😀

And it wasn’t just that. I mean, Lancelot taking his place and Gwen’s admission would be enough to make a man feel poorly, but then he’s the one who took Merlin to get help. And THAT’S thrown in his face by Leon. Dammit, Leon!

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Just shut up, Leon. I’m not happy with you right now. And, look at Arthur’s face. Breaks my heart. Freaking Bradley James, you KILL me.

Proof of some head canon I’ve created—Don’t know if this counts as head canon or not, but I’m putting it here anyway. Lancelot didn’t die to protect/save Arthur. Arthur was already safe because Merlin knocked his ass out. He sacrificed himself for Merlin, for his friend. He knew how important his friend was for Arthur, for the future of Albion, that he stepped forward to take Merlin’s place. So it drives me nuts when Gwen says he did it for her and her promise to her. Even though, to be fair, she has no reason to think otherwise. She truly believes that. But every time I watch these episodes, I end up yelling at the screen, “He died for MERLIN!”

Favorite costume—It’s a tie between Arthur’s red tunic and Merlin’s purple (the color of royalty, people!) one.


What would Bron steal from Camelot in this episode? Arthur’s bedding. And everything that goes with it.


What made Jen lose her shit (in a good or bad way) in this episode? 

That the bubble lady—the river spirit—talked so opening about Merlin and his magic to Lancelot. She totally outed him without knowing if Lancelot was trustworthy. Did she sense this, know he was? Does his noblest noble of them all radiate from him and all magical being feel it?

And that they’re celebrating Samhain in Camelot. Seems iffy

Bron’s Merlin Club: The Darkest Night, Parts 1 & 2 Post
Jen’s Merlin Club: The Darkest Night, Parts 1 & 2 Post

Next week 11/3 at 8pm EST, we’ll be watching S04E03, “The Wicked Day”. We’ll be on Twitter with the hastag #MerlinClub

WEDNESDAY RANDOMNESS: Best Halloween Memories/Traditions

Happy Wednesday!

This week, we’re talking about Halloween – traditions and favorite memories. I feel a bit odd becasue I don’t have a lot to draw on. I’m not saying that in a sad way, not at all. I’ve just never been that into Halloween. Sure, as a kid, I carved pumpkins, dressed up, went trick or treating and all of that. But, when I outgrew that, Halloween was just helping out and passing out candy.

Then, I had kids. Halloween was fun again. 🙂 Carving or painting pumpkins, planning costumes. I don’t have any pics of their costumes (Still hoping BIL can save some from my sad, dead computer) right now but they had some good ones. Different incarnations of the Doctor, a go-go girl, princesses and everything. Now, they’re all too old to trick or treat. Though, my oldest daughter is dressing up every day this week for school. Monday, she went to school with a T-shirt that had “Yay, ceilings!” on it. She was a ceiling fan. Tuesday, she dressed all fancy and carried around a sign saying “I’m sorry”. Yeah, she was a formal apology. LMAO She cracks me up. I don’t know what she has in store for the rest of the week, but I can’t wait to see it.

That’s about it from me. Halloween is fun, but it’s never been a big thing for me. *shrug* I wish I had more stories and traditions to share.

Check out what the other ladies think or remember about Halloween.

Bronwyn Green • Gwendolyn Cease
Kellie St. James Kris Norris

Until next week!

Computer Woes & Wanting a Do Over…Now Please

Most everyone has heard me whine about my computer dying. 😦 And it probably won’t stop any time soon – feel free to slap me upside the head if it gets to be too much. I won’t mind. LOL

I’m lucky enough to be able to borrow a laptop from a family member until I can replace it, but it’s a pain in the ass working on a strange computer without my programs and files. Oh, I didn’t lose work – THOSE files I saved and backed up like nobody’s business. So, it really could be worse.

My website was updated this last week, and there was a slight hiccup, and my blog was lost. Since I’d just moved from Blogger to here, most of my posts are safe, but not so much the last two months of posts. I did back up my posts – sans pictures – so I’m working on getting those back up. Especially the Merlin Club ones, but it may take me a little bit.

So yeah, that stuff in addition to some every day things have me exhausted and wanting to sleep for a week.


But I”m going to plow forward, my friends. Because there are things to be done. 😀

I hope everyone else is having a fabulous week!



MERLIN CLUB: The Coming of Arthur Parts 1 & 2

Or The One Where EVERYONE Comes Back
Creepy Cenred is back (for a wee bit anyway), Gwaine and Lancelot are back, even Freya is back…in a puddle, but back….

As I write this with a bucket hugged to my side in case I get sick again (gross, I know!), I’m skipping the recap portion this week and just jumping right into the questions, so I can go to bed. I’m so sorry. L And I’m disappointed because these two episodes rank very high on my fave Merlin episodes list.

If I’d written this episode, I would have changed… I hate how idiotic they make Merlin with magic. The very first episode he was able to stop freaking time when Gaius fell, keeping the hold man hovering in the air as he got the bed underneath him. This episode, they just have him clobber a guy with magic and send the cup that is so powerful and dangerous in the wrong hands flying through the air. To be caught by the enemy. WTF? That’s just stupid. He could have made the cup fly to him. He’s capable of that; they’ve shown that kind of thing before. So it’s just inconsistent and stupid. Yes, the cup had to end up in the bad guy’s hands but there had to be a better way to do it.

Things I loved about this episode—

  • Gwaine being back
  • When Lancelot and Percival show up
  • The entire round table scene
  • Freya!
  • Concerned!Merlin (when Arthur is hurt)
  • Sassy!Merlin
  • tumblr_ljm0w2iMjv1qfdneyo1_250Just…Merlin.

Thing I hated MOST about this episode—That they CUT this out!

THIS was so important—Arthur basically motioning for Merlin to sit—beside him, at his right hand. It was acknowledging how important Arthur felt Merlin was. I hate that they cut this. Such a short thing, but it meant so much, IMO

Something I never noticed about this episode before—The excessive amount of the immortal army running around the castles—through halls and up and down stairs—after Camelot has already been taken. What’s up with that? What are they doing?

Proof of some head canon I’ve created—The looks between Morgana and Morgause…not sisterly looks, my friends.

Also, what Morgana does—killing innocents to manipulate the knights etc—that is so far from the character we originally met, further convinces me Morgause used the mandrake root on her at some point during the year she had Morgana.

Favorite costume—Gwen’s outfit in the 2nd part


What would Bron steal from Camelot from the ruined castle of the ancient kings in this episode? I feel that Bron would find a use for the original round table.


What made Jen lose her shit (in a good or bad way) in this episode? Oh I don’t know. ALL the incest innuendo would be my guess. It was pretty in your face.

Bron’s Merlin Club: The Coming of Arthur Post
Jen’s Merlin Club: The Coming of Arthur Post

Next week 10/20 at 8pm EST, we’ll be watching S04E01 & 02 “The Darkest Hour”. NOTE: This is a 2-PART episode. We’ll start Part One at 8pm EST, take a short break then start Part Two at 9pm EST. We’ll be on Twitter with the hastag #MerlinClub

Wednesday Randomness: Do You Believe?

Happy Wednesday! This week, the gals and I are talking about ghosts – have we ever had any ghostly encounters? Do we even believe in ghosts?

Personally, I believe in ghosts. Or spirits or whatever you’d call them. I believe there is more than just life; there’s something beyond. What, exactly? Well, that’s something I just don’t know. Don’t pretend to. As far as spirits go? I believe they can attach themselves to places or people. It makes sense in my head, I guess. If a person has an strong connection to another person or place, why would that connection hold even after the physical body is gone?

Have I ever had any encounters? Well, I haven’t ever come face to face with a ghost. But… In high school, school plays wouldn’t be done in the auditorium or gym or anything like that. We’d perform in the Calumet Theatre.


Absolutely gorgeous building, rich with history. If you’re ever in the Copper Country of Upper Michigan, go check it out.

Anyway, we’d end up there late the nights of dress rehearsals. It was a bit spooky, I’ll admit. Especially up in the dressing rooms back stage. I remember getting make up on all alone in one of the rooms, hurrying to get down to the stage because we didn’t have a lot of time left.

I felt felt a presence… You know that feeling when someones standing RIGHT THERE? But I looked and nobody. I can’t say that it was a scary thing. It wasn’t. I didn’t suddenly feel cold or anything like that. It was just this persistent feeling someone was there; I just couldn’t see them.

I always thought where I grew up – Calumet, Michigan – had to be rife with ghosts. An old mining town, the site of the Italian Hall Disaster (I have photos of the stone arch that still remains at the site, but alas, it is on my laptop. My. Dead. Laptop) … How could it not be?

I’ve had other times, little instances, where I’ve thought some ghostly presence must be there, but nothing really outrageous or anything. But I do believe. 🙂

And that, my friends, is it for me this week. Back to work with me. 😀 Check out the other ladies thoughts on the subject…

Bronwyn Green • Gwendolyn Cease • Kris Norris

Until next week.

Awesome Reads Galore!!!

I am not the only one with a book releasing this week, my friends! I’m going to share a few with you that you should check out…immediately. 🙂 You won’t regret it!

Eventide by Christine Allen-Riley

EVENTIDE (Iron Falls, Book One)Available Now
Amazon • Smashwords

The driver in a tragic car accident that killed her best friend, Devon Greer is consumed by guilt. When powerful hallucinations convince her that she’s seeing Rachael everywhere, Devon thinks she’s going crazy. But her friend isn’t truly gone.

To save Rachael from the faeries who stole her, Devon must pit herself against the Court of the Sidhe. Once she witnesses the true form of the fey, Devon’s life is in danger—and so are the lives of everyone she loves.

Now, Devon must not only protect herself, but also Jonah Seafort, Rachael’s cousin and the only person Devon can trust to help her. While the Sidhe walk among them, no one is safe…

Mated by Gwendolyn Cease

Available NowMATED
Amazon • Smashwords 

Laira Marshall had to admit—getting kidnapped wasn’t something she’d expected. Discovering her kidnappers were aliens who planned on selling her into sexual slavery, definitely tipped the scales into the truly bizarre. But she’s determined to fight her way through this—until their slave ship is attacked, and Laira’s faced with an entirely new problem.

Rakin and Dev are the leaders of the Sandaki—a race genetically engineered to fight. Using their enhanced traits, they’ve freed their people and have devoted their lives to seeking out those who enslaved them. They never considered the concept of love—or that one woman could bring them to their knees.

With unknown enemies working against them, the three lovers must come together not only to save themselves, but the Sandaki race itself.

Ricochet by Kris Norris

RICOCHETAvailable Now
Amazon • Smashwords 

A moment he can’t take back… 

An unlucky rebound has left US Marshal Ashton Kane broken. His partner’s dead and, consumed by guilt, he’s walked out on the only woman he’ll ever love.

A love she can’t forget… 

Cassidy Ryan has tried to move on. Losing the love of her life cut deep, but she vowed she wouldn’t let it break her. And she’s finally taking back her life—until she stumbles upon a deadly encounter that threatens to destroy everything and everyone around her.

One last chance at redemption…

Ash has fooled himself into believing Cassidy’s better off without him—until she puts her life on the line, forcing him to face the demons that still whisper in the dark, or risk losing her. Again. Only this time, it’ll be no one’s fault, but his.

NEW RELEASE – Albion’s Circle: In My Veins

I am SO excited! I’ve been looking forward to today for a long time. The second book in Albion’s Circle is now available at Amazon and Smashwords. *happy dance*

Links are below, along with a peek into In My Veins. 🙂


Amazon • Smashwords

Anna is his. Merlin has failed. The Circle is broken. After being defeated in every lifetime, Mordred believes he has finally won.

Even though Anna has little hope of gaining Merlin’s forgiveness for believing Mordred over him and the rest of the Circle, she isn’t giving up and vows to set things right. When an offer of helps comes from an unlikely ally, Anna must trust her instincts—the very thing that got her into this mess in the first place.

Because more than just her survival hangs in the balance. Mordred took her for a reason. Anna is the key. The key to completing the Circle. The key to preventing unthinkable death and destruction at Mordred’s hand. The key to destroy the heart of a wizard whose love has followed her through the ages.

But Mordred has forgotten exactly what he is up against.
Arthur and his Knights.
The most powerful Magical to ever walk the Earth.
And a love a thousand years in the making.



“He’s so cold.”

Galahad’s voice, hardly a whisper, made my heart race. My hands shook on the wheel as I raced along the roads to get back to the house. Back to Merlin. The spell on Will was a strong one, and I recognized Mordred’s magic when I felt it. The son of a bitch had personally taken Will down.

“He’s going to be okay,” I said firmly. “Mordred isn’t stupid. Killing Will doesn’t make sense. Anna would never forgive that, and Mordred wants her on his side.”

While I believed that, I also knew the longer Will was under the spell, the harder it would be to break it. And his magic… I could barely feel it. I glanced over, not liking how pale the other Magical was.

Galahad sat sideways in his seat, cradling the unconscious man closely. He stared down intently as if worried Will would fade away if he took his eyes off him for even a second. There was more there than just attraction, like I’d originally thought. Galahad clearly had deeper feelings for Will.

“Please, please, please…”

I don’t think he even realized he was whispering the word over and over again. Relief swept through me as I turned onto the long drive that led to the house. Almost there.

Before I even stopped the truck, Arthur and his knights rushed out of the house to meet us. I’d called my brother as soon as we’d left Anna’s apartment building, and they’d obviously been keeping an eye out. Arthur yanked open the passenger side as I parked. He helped Galahad pull Will out of the vehicle.

I left them to it and ran ahead of them into the house. Taking the stairs two at a time, I hurried up to Merlin’s room. I felt the seal and cursed. Arthur would have tried to get through, I knew that. Merlin must have blocked out sound, as well, because if he knew what was going on, he wouldn’t still be locked up in there.

Pressing my hands flat against the door, I closed my eyes and felt along the edges of the seal. If I could weaken it, unravel the strands of magic woven together just a little bit, he’d be able to hear me, feel Mordred’s spell wrapped around Will downstairs. Problem was, Merlin’s magic was fucking amazing. He’d probably thrown this seal up without a second thought, just wanting to be alone, and it was stronger than anything I could construct with planning and meticulous care.

And taking it apart wasn’t any easier. I knew that from lives past when I had other, more sinister reasons to undo Merlin’s work. Although, I wasn’t overly worried about being found out this time around; it was my goal, after all. I focused all of my attention on the threads, pulling and teasing them away from the whole. Time slipped away from me, meant nothing as I concentrated on what I had to do.

“Merlin, “ I murmured as my muscles began to quiver. My magic, exhausted, wanted to creep back into my body. “Come on, come on, come on.”

The door flew open, and I stumbled forward, hands slamming into Merlin’s chest. He caught me before I slid to the floor.

“What the fuck, Morgana!” he snapped. “I don’t want—”

He stiffened, and his magic exploded, shaking the house around us. I grabbed hold of his shoulders and tried to get him to look at me. He felt it, Mordred’s spell.

“It’s Will,” I said quickly. “Mordred got to him, and I don’t know how to break it. I need your help.”

The tremors didn’t stop, but increased exponentially. Power snapped in the air, shimmered along his skin until he radiated with it. Things crashed to the floor behind him, and cracks snaked along the walls as the house failed to withstand the battering. I heard the others shouting below us.



Amazon • Smashwords

MERLIN CLUB: The Sorcerer’s Shadow


Or the One in Which Merlin Doesn’t Approve

I feel like I’ve apologized so many times the last week for short posts…and yes, I’m going to do it again today.

It is 7am and this post is to go up in an hour. O.o What happened? Life, Merlin Club darlings, my life happened. Also, I’m on my son’s computer as my computer is out of commission. I have NONE of my GIFs or pictures… Though, I’ll find some, this is all very off putting.

So I’m going to summarize this episode really quickly and only use one pic. Because it really is the episode in a nutshell.


There’s a tournament in town. SHOCKER.
A young man, Gilli, (Dudley from the HP movies) enters the tournament. And he’s using a magic ring to win.

Morgana using her manipulative wiles to get Uther to fight in the tournament…Arthur’s already competing, of course. When Arthur and Uther fight, Arthur ends up throwing the match so his father can be the big dog.

Merlin knows Gilli is using magic and tries to convince him to drop out. Magic shold be used for good, blah blah blah.

But Gilli is too into the power and, basically, popularity his wins are giving him and keeps on going until he’s to fight the king.

Merlin uses magic to save Uther as he fights Gilli. Uther wins the tournament, and all the food in Camelot is brought before him in celebration. Go starve, little children in the lower town, your king needs his nummies.

That’s about it. I’m sure I’ve forgotten something important but that’s the basic gist of the episode.

Now, to the questions…

If I had written this episode, I’d have changed… Stupid things like when Gilli uses the magic ring to heal his arm, the power scorches the wall, right, and he’s almost caught. And Uther is convinced it’s sorcerer as he looks at SCORCHED WOOD. Um, Uther, it doesn’t take magic to scorch wood. And then he mentions a strange smell, offering THAT as evidence of sorcery. WTF?? It’s just ridiculous, honestly and it couldn’t have been soooo much better.

Thing(s) I loved about this episode – Um dragonspeak. Hello. Surefire way to make this girl happy.


Merlin working Arthur’s sword….mm hmmm

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Thing(s) I hated about this episode – Definitely not enough Arthur/Merlin interaction. And stupidity mentioned above.

Something I never noticed in this episode before – Uh, how stupid Uther was about detecting sorcery. (I got nothing else, sorry.)

Proof of some head canon I’ve created – Um, nada here this week.

Favorite costume – Eh this wasn’t exactly a good costume episode, IMO. So I’ll just put this….

Because he's so pretty....and rocking the blue neckerchief this episode

Because he’s so pretty….and rocking the blue neckerchief this episode

What would Bron steal from Camelot in this episode? Gilli’s ring


What made Jen lose her shit (in a good or bad way) in this episode? ASH/Uther in the tournament…all sweaty and panting.

Bron’s Merlin Club: The Sorcerer’s Shadow Post
Jen’s Merlin Club: The Sorcerer’s Shadow Post

Next week 10/20 at 8pm EST, we’ll be watching S03E12 & 13 “The Coming of Arthur”. NOTE: This is a 2-PART episode. We’ll start Part One at 8pm EST, take a short break then start Part Two at 9pm EST. We’ll be on Twitter with the hastag #MerlinClub

MERLIN CLUB: Queen of Hearts

Or One of My Faves Because of Old Merlin aka Dragoon the Great aka Emrys

Hello, Merlin Clubbers. How I’ve missed you. I had a glorious trip to London (and I’ll be writing some posts on it the coming weeks. 🙂 ) but I definitely missed watching and tweeting along with the episodes. I’m afraid this post may end up on the short side again. I arrived home late, late, late on Tuesday night and I’m still not quite adjusted back. I’m also trying to finish a book. O.o For some reason, today (Thursday) is tougher than yesterday was. Struggling to stay awake. Hoping my body clock adjusts quickly. LOL

So the basic plot of this episode is Morgana has a vision of Gwen becoming Queen. And that cannot be allowed because Morgana is gunning for the throne. She manipulates Arthur into sneaking away with Gwen on a romantic picnic, then continues the manipulation to get Uther to go riding with her. And of course they stumble across the love birds as they are kissing.

Uther finds it all very amusing…until Arthur insists it’s not a passing thing with a maid and refuses to end things with Gwen. So Uther banishes her.

Hey, Uther...

Hey, Uther…

To ensure the future she envisioned doesn’t happen, Morgana sneaks an enchanted poultice in Arthur’s bed. She then goes to Uther and yes, the manipulation continues, and she convinces Uther that Arthur must be enchanted. Of course, Arthur’s chambers are searched and the poultice is found. Gwen is dragged before the king and accused of enchanting the prince in retaliation for Uther killing her father. Arthur says they will leave Camelot and never return, but that only reinforces Uther’s belief of his being under the influence of magic. As Gwen is being dragged away (after a dramatic kiss with Arthur before being yanked apart), she notices Morgana’s smirk. (How no one else notices is beyond me.)

Merlin, knowing Morgana is behind this and Gwen is obviously innocent, decides to invent a sorcerer to take the blame. He uses an aging spell and brings an identical poultice to Arthur’s chambers, making sure he is seen. However when he runs away and tries to undo the aging spell, he is unable to and is caught.

Arthur brings him before Uther and it is one of my fave scenes in the series. He confesses to enchanting the prince, tells Uther and Arthur off, and is of course sentenced to burn. I *LOVE* Dragoon/Emrys/Old Merlin

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Gaius is up all night trying to make an potion to reverse the spell while poor Merlin is down in the dungeon. Morgana is just confused as hell as to why some old sorcerer is taking credit for the things she did. LOL

Gaius takes forever and it isn’t until Merlin is being marched to the pyre, FFS, that he shows up with the potion. Merlin uses magic to create a diversion, grabs the potion and runs. Arthur and the guards are in pursuit but happen upon young Merlin rather than an old sorcerer so as far as they are concerned the old man got away.

Gwen and Arthur discuss how Uther cannot see any signs of affection between them, and Gwen says she’ll count the days until Arthur is king and they can be together.

If I’d written this episode, I would have changed…I don’t know. I can’t think of anything I’d change really.

Thing(s) I loved about this episode—Dragoon the Great! I love old Merlin. Seriously. Every episode with him (Yeah, there are more) makes me laugh. Colin Morgan plays that brilliantly.

Thing(s) I hated about this episode—Excessive smirking from Morgana-but this is nothing new. Hate how easily manipulated everyone is by Morgana.

Something I never noticed about this episode before—So apparently Arthur and Merlin share clothes (the shirt) now?

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Doesn’t it look like Arthur is wearing the same shirt as Merlin was earlier in the episode? (Sans neckerchief, thank you very much. ROWR) This could go along with the head canon question too…clearly they are involved and share clothes. Case closed. Merthur lives!

Proof of some head canon I’ve created—Don’t know if this adds proof to Merther (which isn’t solely my head canon not did I “create” it, I just love it so much) but the fact that Arthur had a glimmer of recognition when Merlin was disguised. I just think it goes to show Arthur notices/knows Merlin.

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Favorite costume—Colin as Dragoon, because it makes me laugh. 


What would Bron steal from Camelot in this episode? Arthur’s picnic blanket and pillows. And perhaps the prince reclining on them as well. (The serving girl has to go, though)


What made Jen lose her shit (in a good or bad way) in this episode?

Uther is using Neil’s Dom voice. #MerlinClub

— Jenny Spoopy Trout (@Jenny_Trout) October 7, 2014

Bron’s Merlin Club: Queen of Hearts Post
Jen’s Merlin Club: Queen of Hearts Post

Next week 10/13 at 8pm EST, we’ll be watching S03E11 “The Sorcerer’s Shadow”. We’ll be on Twitter with the hastag #MerlinClub

Wednesday Randomness: My Collections

Happy, happy Wednesday! Today, we’re talking about things we collect.

This was a head scratcher for me, because I don’t really collect anything. Honestly. And I have reasons for that.

One, I lose shit all the time. I’m quite ridiculous. Devoting time to collecting something only to lose it…well, that just sucks.

Two, there is enough clutter in this house without me adding to it. Clutter makes me twitchy (meaning I’m twitchy all the time LOL). And what’s the point of collecting something just to have it get lost in the chaos?

Three, when the kids were little, collecting things (especially anything of value) seemed an iffy move, particularly if I wanted it displayed in any way.

So there you have. No collections for Jess. And I’m okay with that.

Although, do my pics of Colin Morgan and Bradley James count as collections? Hmmm


arthur arthur2

So maybe I *do* have a collection. 😉

Go forth and see what the other Wednesday ladies collect!

Bronwyn Green • Gwendolyn Cease • Kris Norris