Wednesday Randomness: I’m Thankful For…

Happy Wednesday! In light of celebrating Thanksgiving tomorrow, we are talking about the things we are thankful for this week.

Even when life is a big ball of crap and one bad thing after another is happening – and we’ve all had times like that, haven’t we? When it all just piles on? – I like to think I’m pretty good at reminding myself of the good in my life.bannerfans_14114375

So here’s what I’m thankful for… Of course it won’t be a complete list. I can acknowledge there’re more things in my life I should be thankful for that I probably take for granted. And even those things I do acknowledge…well, we don’t need to be here all day, do we? We have things to do!

Family – The family I built with my husband. The family I was born into – my parents, sister & brother. The family I’ve gained through marriage – mother & father-in-law, many brothers-in-law & sisters-in-law, and neices and nephews. My extended family – grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins. I am so, so blessed to have some pretty amazing people in my life. People who love me, support me, encourage me.

  • I’m going to specifically mention my kids, because they are pretty awesome. They are growing up into extraordinary people and it’s a joy and privilege to be able to witness that.
  • And I have to talk about the husband, on his own, not part of a whole. This is a man who has always believed in me, even when I didn’t believe in myself. The love and support he gives…I wouldn’t know what to do with them. Without him.

Friends – My close circle of friends, who honestly could easily go in the family category, because that’s how I see them. My friends are pretty much full of awesome. They are always there, to listen, to support, to love, to encourage, to kick my ass when I need it. And, every day, I hope I’m able to give them what they give me.

My job – How freaking lucky am I that I get to do what I love for a job? I know that is a rare thing, and it is one thing I don’t take for granted! To be able to take a love of writing and make that my career…freaking amazing.

My husband’s job – I will bitch when he has to travel for work and may groan when the hours are long, but seriously, so so so so SO thankful he has a solid, steady job – one he enjoys and is good at.

Basic comforts – I have a roof over my head, warmth inside these walls, a bed to sleep in, clean water to drink and food in my belly. Blessed.

All the extras – That we can, and do, get to have things that we don’t NEED. There’s plenty we have that we could certainly do without (though we don’t want to think about that!), and I think it’s important for me to remember when I’m complaining or upset because I can’t go this or get that.

Finally, I’m thankful we were able to travel this year to see my side of the family for Thanksgiving. Later today, we’ll be heading to the UP to spend the holiday with my parents and my sister and her family. I can’t wait.

Make sure you check out what the other ladies are thankful for 🙂

Bronwyn Green • Gwendolyn Cease
Kellie St. James • Kris Norris

Until next week!

Merlin Club: His Father’s Son

Or When Arthur Needs to Learn What Making His Own Decisions Means And Just Saying He’s Doing It Doesn’t Make It So.

RECAP – We open with Merlin—in chainmail and Camelot red ROWR—being chased by a group of men.


He leads them to where they are cornered. Turns out he’s lead them into a trap by Arthur. They aren’t just a band of bandits but are actually an army lead by Caerleon, a king form a neighboring kingdom. Arthur struggles with what to do, faced with another king leading his men into Camelot’s land.


Totally letting Greasy Agravaine sway him, Arthur gives Caerleon a choice—sign the treaty or die.

Hey, Greasy Agravaine.... (Since I no longer can use my Hey, Uther... gifs.)

Hey, Greasy Agravaine…. (Since I no longer can use my Hey, Uther… gifs.)

The king refuses to sign and Arthur kills him. When Caeleon’s body is taken back to his castle, Queen Annis is furious and vows that the whole of Camelot will pay for her husband’s murder.

Back in Camelot, Merlin tries to talk to Arthur about what happened…


They receive word that Queen Annis has declared war on Camelot, and her army is on the move. Morgana visits Annis, saying she comes in the name of her father Gorlois, and the two women become allies against Arthur and Camelot.

Greasy Agravaine counsels Arthur about his “inappropriate” relationship with Guinevere, telling Arthur that there are expectations of him, and a romance with a maid is falling short of those.

Hey, Greasy Agravaine....

Hey, Greasy Agravaine….

Arthur sneaks to see Gwen the night before he’s to leave for battle. He basically breaks up with her, while claiming it’s his decision solely. Gwen is heartbroken and tells him to listen to his heart so he can be the king he wants to be.

Before the battle, camp is set up. The knights of the Round Table—Gwaine, Percival, Elyan, Leon—swear to Arthur that they will stand and fight for him. Our king is now regretting his decisions and feel unworthy of his men’s loyalty since he has brought this war upon them.


Later in the night, he sneaks into the opposing camp and is brought before Queen Annis. He doesn’t want war, and all the death that comes with it, so he invokes the right of single combat—each side will choose a champion to fight. If Arthur’s champion wins, Annis will withdraw her army; if her champion wins, half of Camelot will be hers.

Merlin has followed Arthur and is caught then dragged into the tent. Annis orders him kills but Arthur asks her to spare his “simple-minded” servant’s life. Annis grants the request and accepts the challenge of single combat, telling Arthur to announce his champion by noon the following day.

Arthur names himself as champion, and Annis worries it’s some kind of trick. Morgana assures her that it isn’t, that Arthur would always risk his life before those of his men. Annis is still worried about her champion losing to a skilled warrior like Arthur. Morgana promises she has the power to make sure Arthur loses.

Greasy Agravaine snatches Arthur’s sword while the king sleeps…

Hey, Greasy Agravaine....

Hey, Greasy Agravaine….

…and brings it to Morgana, who curses it with “the weight of a thousand ages”.


Annis names Derian—a HUGE man—as her champion. Morgana tells him to have no pity on Arthur, that the king must die. The two men face each other—both armies watching. During the fight, Morgana says a spell that triggers the enchantment. The sword becomes so heavy Arthur can’t wield it. Merlin sees his king in trouble, clearly because of magic, and uses a bit of his own to help Arthur. Arthur manages to get ahold of Derian’s sword and wins the battle, though he spares the other man’s life.


Annis meets Arthur and congratulates him on his victory. She says she’ll adhere to their agreement—her army will be gone by nightfall—and asks why he spared her champion. He says…tumblr_mwjvqvBujR1r9manco2_r1_250

Annis looks pleased and says that something about Arthur gives her hope for them all.

Back in Annis’ tent, Morgana says there will be other chances, but Annis says not for her. She allowed Morgan’s hate to infect her in her time of grief, but she now intends to seek peace with Arthur and Camelot. Morgana calls her weak and she won’t rest until all of Camelot bows before her. Annis says Morgana may have come to her in the name of Gorlois but she is far more like Uther.

Back in Camelot, victory is celebrated. Merlin says Arthur is a hero—well to the people not to Merlin. Arthur says he should have listened to Merlin, even if he is the worst servant in the five kingdoms.

When Gwen comes into Arthur’s chambers (not exactly sure why? She’s carrying a pitcher of something but what is her job, now, exactly?), he gives her flowers and apologizes.


He agrees he should listen to his heart and be seen with those he cares about. Gwen asks, “Even if they are ‘inappropriate’?” Arthur answers by pulling her close and kissing her. When he asks if that answered her questions, she replies, “It’s a start.”

If I’d written this episode, I would have changed…I would have had a stronger reaction from Gwen when Arthur breaks it off with her. This plays into the problem I have with her being too perfect. If it were JUST this instance, it would be one thing. But I’ve talked before about how the writers have her as this completely perfect character, and this just adds to that. And it’s too much. Nearly to the point of disbelief, IMO.

While she’s clearly upset he’s calling it quits on their relationship, it’s not enough. Why isn’t she more angry? She’s so sweet and understanding and forgives him in a snap when he hands her a flower and kisses her. I suppose most would look at all this and think she’s wonderful. And I like Gwen and I like them together, but it just seems like she’s not given much depth as a character.

Thing(s) I loved about this episode—The dynamic between Merlin and Arthur. And I’m NOT talking Merthur. Really. I love the conversations they have – even though Arthur doesn’t listen at first – and that Merlin is clearly comfortable counseling Arthur. AND Arthur seems not to mind it. Even when it’s going against what he decided. He confides in Merlin when he begins to see the mistakes he’s made. He calls Merlin “old friend” as Merlin is readying him for battle. He actually tells Merlin that he was right, that he should have listened to him. THAT is how far their relationship has come.


Thing(s) I hated about this episode—How easily Greasy Agravaine manipulated Arthur. Morgana’s sing-song voice. Gwen’s perfection.

Also, inconsistent character development. When Uther had an issue with Arthur seeing Gwen, Arthur was willing to give up his right to the throne for her, but Greasy Agravaine objects and he’s like, yeah, s’pose you’re right. So yes to defying your father whose approval you’ve desperately sought your whole life, but not to your douchebag of an uncle who, by all indications, has never even been around… Seriously?

Something I never noticed about this episode before—When Arthur goes to break up with Gwen. It’s late and he’s basically sneaking around. Yet, when she opens the door, she is NOT surprised to see him. Methinks there have been nighttime visits before.

Proof of some head canon I’ve created—When Arthur defeats Derian and is standing above him, sword ready to kill him, Arthur looks up at the Camelot crowd then plunges his sword in the ground, sparing Derian. It’s my head canon that he looks up at Merlin specifically – his boyfriend who reminded him that he has sought mercy in battle – for reassurance he’s doing the right thing, a reminder of who he really is.

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Favorite costume—Merlin as a knight. Rowrtumblr_milg4hxEi61qfola7o4_250

I was going to say a tie between knight!Merlin and dirty!Merlin...then realized this is 2 for 1, baby!

I was going to say a tie between knight!Merlin and dirty!Merlin…then realized this is 2 for 1, baby!

What would Bron steal from Camelot Annis’ tent in this episode? Annis’ chair/throne.


What made Jen lose her shit (in a good or bad way) in this episode? I don’t think anything made her lose her shit in this episode, at least not too badly, since this happened…


Bron’s Merlin Club: His Father’s Son Post
Jen’s Merlin Club: His Father’s Son Post

NOTE: We will NOT be Merlin Clubbing next week, since it’s Thanksgiving week. We’ll be back the following week to pick up where we left off.

So, in TWO WEEKS, on 12/1 at 8pm EST, we’ll be watching S04E06 “Servant of Two Masters”. We’ll be on Twitter with the hastag #MerlinClub

(kinda) NEW RELEASE – Albion’s Circle: The Deepest Cut

Originally part of the collection If Ever I Would Leave You, the first book in my Ablion’s Circle – The Deepest Cut – is now available to purchase on it’s own. 🙂

Links are below, as well as a sneak peek into The Deepest Cut.


Amazon | Smashwords | ARe
(B&N and iBookstore Coming Soon)

For nineteen years, Anna has been plagued by dreams of lives lived only in legend. Finally free from the family that believed her hopeless and worthless, she’s ready to start her life over—alone.

When Anna meets an enigmatic stranger claiming to be the legendary wizard Merlin, she is forced to question the very reality she’s struggled to accept. With the mythic figures from her dreams intruding on her waking life, Anna learns that she’s been reborn to fight an ancient evil alongside King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table.

Caught in an ages old conflict, Anna is the key to stopping a dark magic that will destroy the world—and Merlin wants to make sure that this time, Anna isn’t alone.

Note: Previously published in the anthology If Ever I Would Leave You



This life was no different than the others. She was absolutely beautiful. My Annwyl. Anna, I reminded myself. She was Anna now. I ached to go to her but held myself back. I had to be careful. I wasn’t going to make the same mistakes I’d made before. I wouldn’t lose her. Not again.

“Why are we just sitting here?”

I glanced at Galahad but said nothing. Nothing I said would shut him up anyway. It had only taken one lifetime to learn that about the guy.

“It’s been weeks, Merlin. Weeks. If your goal is to be a stalker, mission accomplished.” He ran a hand through his hair, causing the dark brown locks to stick up all over the place. “I thought the whole point was to bring her home, complete the Circle, defeat evil, live happily ever after. What the fuck are we doing sitting in a dark club watching her… Ah shit, I’m pretty sure she just took something. I’m going out on a limb here, and saying it’s not Tylenol. And…you’re not surprised. Not even a little.” He sighed.

“No,” I responded simply. It didn’t surprise me she would turn to that. It wouldn’t be the first time one of us used a crutch to deal with what we remembered and lived with. Of course, understanding that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt. It sure as hell didn’t ease the guilt I felt. It surrounded me, as it always did. I wished I had found her sooner, that I’d been able to shoulder some of the pain Annwyl…Anna experienced.


Galahad’s voice penetrated my thoughts, and I turned toward him again.


“What are we waiting for?”

“She’s… She might not be ready.”

“Ready for what?” he asked, eyes wide and disbelieving. “How is leaving her to deal with everything on her own helping her, or any of us?”

“She’s always been so fragile,” I murmured, almost to myself. “The fact that we found her this time, before she—” I could hardly swallow around the lump that appeared in my throat, let alone speak.

I’d never gotten to her in time. Every life, every fucking one, I’d been too late. Sometimes, by mere minutes. Her body still warm, as if she were simply sleeping and she’d open her eyes and see me. But that had only been an illusion, a desperate hope. It never happened that way. No, soon, even the hint of life leached out, and I was left with the empty shell, a glaring reminder of how I’d failed her yet again.

“Merlin.” Galahad laid a hand on my knee and leaned close. “You found her this time. The other times… Stop thinking of them. It doesn’t matter now.”

But it did matter, I wanted to scream. Of course it mattered. Because she would remember all of it. Know how I had been unable to save her time after time. The shame and guilt—my constant companions—wouldn’t be erased by kind words, even if they came from a well-meaning friend.

I turned my attention back to her, just in time to see the glass slip from her grasp and crash to the floor. It was clear, even from across the bar, that she was pretty well flying high. The bartender, the one who’d put her in that state in the first place, seemed to be checking to make sure she was okay. So, maybe he wasn’t a complete douchebag. Though, my magic flared, skittered along my body, just under the skin, wanting to knock him on his ass for daring to touch Anna. Then, it nearly exploded as they kissed.

“Throttle back,” Galahad said under his breath, and I realized the glasses on the low table in front of us were shaking, dancing on the shiny surface.

I cursed and reined it in, but fuck, it was hard.

“You can hardly blame her for having a relationship.” He watched me warily, as if I were going to level the place just because Anna had kissed another man.

Never mind that was exactly what I wanted to do. I wouldn’t. I wasn’t stupid and actually had more control than that. It wouldn’t solve anything to let my magic loose. Highly satisfying, but not worth it in the long run.

“Not blaming her for anything,” I bit out, though a part of me wondered why. Why was she kissing him? She had to have her memories from before and know what we’d been together. But, instead of waiting or seeking me out, she was in a bar getting high and kissing the bartender. It hurt, more than I’d ever admit. Though, the way Galahad was eyeing me, he could tell. Aside from Arthur, he was the best friend I had, and he was too perceptive for his own damned good.

“You don’t know anything about her life, aside from what your creeper ass has seen the past couple weeks and what you’ve managed to dig up online.” He leaned back against the couch cushions and rested his booted feet on the table, ankles crossed.

“I know,” I conceded, ignoring the creeper comment. “I’m not making any— Who the hell is that? And why is Annwyl leaving with him?”

Annwyl—fuck, Anna—was following a skinny, greasy looking guy out of the bar. I started to stand, but Galahad yanked me back, only flinching slightly when I whipped around to glare at him. I knew he could feel my power snapping, like static electricity surrounding us.

“Give it a few minutes,” he advised. “She’s smart, Merlin, okay? She doesn’t need us following her around in the shadows.”

“She’s…she’s high.” I looked between my friend and the door. “Already not making smart choices, G.”

The Annwyl from before—God, how many lifetimes ago?—had been the smartest woman I’d ever known. It was one of many things I’d loved about her. But it wasn’t like that now and hadn’t been for a long, long time. It made no sense. I couldn’t figure it out. Everyone else came back the same. Exactly the same. So, why didn’t she?

When I asked the question aloud, Galahad shook his head. “Not exactly the same, you know that. Christ, just look at Morgana.”

I scowled at him. “That’s not what I meant. Morgana always struggled with the choice, even the first time around, but she didn’t change. Her personality, her determination, everything that makes her her never changes. But Anna isn’t acting like the Annwyl we knew.”

He nodded then shrugged. “And we’ll find out why. When you stop following her around like a crazy person and actually talk to her. I know you’re scared, Merlin. Don’t try to bullshit me,” he snapped when I opened my mouth to protest. “You’re scared, and who the hell could blame you after everything, but you found her this time. Now, you need to act, bring her home. She’ll be safer with us, and your focus won’t be as split.”

I tried not to feel guilty, and failed miserably. Ever since I’d found her, everything else had been shoved to the side. I wasn’t spending much time with the rest of the group or trying to figure out exactly what magical threat we were up against this time around. The task of finding the missing members of the Circle—Morgana and Lancelot—had fallen on the others’ shoulders.

Pushing it from my mind for now, I looked around the bar again. Anna wasn’t back. Galahad sighed when I met his gaze and stood.

“Let’s go find her,” he said, clapping a hand on my shoulder as I rose. Together, we wove through the crowd and out of the building. I stopped on the sidewalk and closed my eyes. I could sense Galahad next to me, his connection to me through the Circle strong and tangible. Even from a distance, I could feel Arthur. I couldn’t feel Lancelot or Morgana, but hadn’t for some time. That meant they were too far physically.

Anna’s connection… That was trickier, for some unknown fucking reason. I fought to relax. Being tense only got in the way, strangled my magic. Finding her took all of my concentration, and it shouldn’t. Not with her magic. It had drawn me to her from the beginning, before all the business with the Circle and destinies. I couldn’t figure out why it took so much to find her, but that was a question for another time.

Sweat rolled down my temples as I tried to focus. I felt Galahad’s hand on my upper arm, and I finally, finally grasped the weak spark that was Anna. She was just around the fucking corner, and I could barely feel her. Anger rushed through me as I hurried in her direction. She shouldn’t be hidden from me, not like this.

Entering the alley, I stumbled to a halt at the sight before me. The anger of a moment ago was nothing, it was fleeting, compared to the rage that consumed me and ignited my power. I didn’t even think as I pushed forward, physically and magically. The man who dared pin my Annwyl to the ground and lay his hands on her flew through the air. I was already on my knees at her side when the sickening thud of his body against the wall echoed around us.

Anna held her arm close to her chest and tried to sit up, her eyes blinking owlishly at me. Her mouth worked as if she was trying to speak but all that escaped was a pained whimper.

“Shhh, it’s all right. You’re safe now, Annwyl, you’re safe…”

Amazon | Smashwords | ARe
(B&N and iBookstore Coming Soon)

Wednesday Randomness: Oh, the Things I Wish…

Happy Wednesday! This week, we’re talking about Wishes. If we were granted three writing-related wishes, what would they be?

Well, I’ve no shortage of wishes, but I’m limited to three. And they have to be related to writing…. So here we go, then.

Wish #1 – Right in this moment?


A new computer. My computer died a horrible death, and I’m still mourning. I’m lucky in that my sister-in-law has loaned me hers until I can get a replacment. This is a great thing, but on another level, it’s not so great a thing. Because the urgency to get a new isn’t there. Oh, it is for me, because I need a computer of my own, but for those around me, it’s not urgent. It’s very easy to put off a bigger purchase like this and put money towards other things (and yes, those things need to be addressed as well) when I’m still able to write on a borrowed computer. There are myriad reasons why the computer situation is frustrating. So yes, first wish would definitely be a new computer just for me that no one – and I mean, NO ONE – else can touch.

Wish #2 – A space just for me. I don’t have an office or anything. It’s fine because I can work anywhere with a laptop. And, honestly, with having four kids, I never expected to have an office or room of my own. At least not until they’re grown and out of the house. The tough part is I end up writing in the shared spaces of the home, so interruptions are frequent.

…enough without constant interruptions!

So, yes, I’d wish for space just for me and writing and doing the things I do. 🙂

Wish #3 – The ability to function on less sleep. Most days I’m…

If I could function on a handful of hours and actually be productived, that would be excellent.


Go on over and see what the other ladies are wishing for…

Bronwyn Green • Gwendolyn Cease  Kris Norris

Until next week!



Or the One With the Pantless Wrestling…Rowr

RECAP – A man sneaks into a Druid camp at night and steals a metal artifact. It’s a part of something and when he hold it to another piece, they magically fuse.

2thirds DoneHe’s caught by the druids, but he manages to escape with the artifact. The man then arrives in Camelot and goes immediately to Gaius. He asks the physician to help him find the last piece of the Triskelion—which is the key to the tomb of Ashkanar where the last remaining dragon’s eggs rests. Apparently, the last part of the Triskelion is in the vaults of Camelot, but Gaius refuses to help and sends the man away.

The man is Julius Borden, a former pupil of Gaius’ before the Great Purge.


We already saw Bridget Jones’ mum on Merlin, why not her one-hit-wonder friend as well? 🙂

When Merlin talks about the dragon’s egg, Gaius tells him that Borden is not to be trust. Merlin goes to Kilgharrah, who is way super excited that there’s an egg out there and he’s not the last of the dragons after all. He tells Merlin he has to go get the egg and the warlock promises to do it.

Merlin goes to Borden and offers him help, which the other man accepts. Merlin goes through much to get the keys to the vaults from Arthur—and these are some of the best scenes in the episode.


and the BEST scene EVER…(and Greasy Agravaine’s expressions are hilarious…the tags aren’t mine but made me giggle more)


And it all worked and Merlin gets the key (because Arthur was too excited annoyed that Merling was trying to jump him in front of his council that he didn’t notice it being taken.)


He gives the keys to Borden who knocks out the guards and finds the last part of the Triskelion. Once it is whole, he knocks out Merlin aas well and escapes.

Merlin wakes and Arthur knows all about the theft and how the tomb holds the last dragon’s egg. He means to go after Borden, find the egg and destroy it. Because magic is evil, yo. Before they leave, a pissed off Gaius tells Merlin he screwed up. Either the egg will be destroyed by Arthur or who knows what Borden will do with it.

Arthur, along with Merlin, Leon, Percival, Elyan and Gwaine, head out. When they camp for the night, Merlin hears voices. It’s the Druids. They give him information on where the tomb is, that it seems to be a dead end, and warn him of traps. They continue on. Borden attacks them and Percival is wounded. In the thigh, not the bare arms, which is just crazy. Merlin disarms Borden with magic and the man runs away.

That night Borden sling shots a packet of poison into the groups food which Arthur and the knights eat. Luckily they are pigs and leave nothing for Merlin so he’s able to save them using magic. He pursues Borden alone to the tomb while the group sleeps off the effects of the poison.

He tries to warn him of the traps, but Borden doesn’t listen. He uses the Triskelion to open the tomb and gets a face full of gas in return. It knocks him out. Merlin covers his face and uses magic to blow the gas away. He goes into the tomb and finds the egg. Borden is now awake though and demands Melrin give him the egg, promising him power and riches. Merlin refuses, seeing that the other man only wants the egg for power. And….


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Borden advances but Merlin uses magic again to defend himself. He knocks Borden out or kills him, not really sure there. Merlin grabs the egg.

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This causes the chamber to shake, and Merlin has to hoof it the hell out of there as the tower begins to collapse. And well, Borden is most certainly dead now. Merlin manages to escape and comes upon Arthur and the knights. He tells them that the tomb was a trap and Borden is dead. He also lets them think the egg was destroyed as well—protecting the egg from Arthur.

Back in Camelot, Merlin shows Gaius the egg and the physician says the fate of it now rests with Merlin. He takes it to Kilgharrah. The dragon tells him that only a dragonlord can hatch a dragon’s egg by giving the dragon inside a name. Merlin names the dragon Aithusa and the wee one hatches. Everyone’s happy. For now.

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If I’d written this episode, I would have changed…I would have had Gaius actually share with Merlin why he doesn’t trust Borden. He can hardly be surprised by Merlin’s actions – helping Borden to get the dragon’s egg. It’s not like it’s out of character for Merlin; Gauis should have seen it coming and explained. Of course, so much trouble in this series could be avoided if people actually talked.

Thing(s) I loved about this episode—I liked Merlin having a “quest” that had to do with his being a dragonlord – that it wasn’t all centered around secretly saving Arthur’s ass.

Loved all the moments when Merlin was trying to get the keys. 😀

Colin Morgan’s hands…guh



And BABY DRAGON. Aithusa is freaking adorable.

Thing(s) I hated about this episode—The dickish knights as they are going after Borden. I know they play it off as all in good fun, teasing between “friends” but I think they were dicks. The oldest kid thinks I’m too sensitive when it comes to Merlin – that he’s a big boy who can take care of himself. He had the nerve to call me crazy! 😛 (Yeah, crazy for my Merlin :-P)

I also hate how the trend continues that people talk about shit and don’t even think that people may be listening. Granted, Gaius wouldn’t be worried about Merlin overhearing his conversation with Borden, but if Merlin could overhear it from his room, is it that much of a stretch that someone in the hallway could overhear? Don’t think so.

Something I never noticed about this episode before—Got nothing here this week.

Proof of some head canon I’ve created—Please…Merthur is so alive and kicking in this episode. It gives me warm fuzzies. 🙂


Favorite costume—It’s a tie.


Wet Merlin


Sleepy-just-rolled-out-of-bed-to-eavesdrop Merlin (Look at the collarbones in teh candlelight….SWOON)

And just for good measure… dirty Merlin.


Dirty, dirty Merlin

What would Bron steal from Camelot on the quest to stop Borden in this episode? A waterfall…because who wouldn’t want a waterfall…

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What made Jen lose her shit (in a good or bad way) in this episode?  I don’t know. This was a hard one this week. What I keep thinking of is just how cute Aithusa is and the hope she represents, and (sorry, slight vague spoiler…) how it all turns out. Does that make you lose your shit, Jen?


Bron’s Merlin Club: Aithusa Post
Jen’s Merlin Club: Aithusa Post

Next week 11/17 at 8pm EST, we’ll be watching S04E05 “His Father’s Son”. We’ll be on Twitter with the hastag #MerlinClub

Wednesday Randomness: Mad Skills…I have’em…maybe

Happy Wednesday! This week, the girls and I are talking about things we’re good at. I’ll admit this topic is hard for me, because I am very uncomfortable talking about myself. Correction – I’m just fine listing things not so flattering about myself, but the good stuff? Well, that’s just bragging, isn’t it? And all my life, one thing you do NOT do? Brag. (STOP BRAGGING!) And heaven forbid someone pay me a compliment, because I will then have to list ALL the reasons why whatever the person is complimenting isn’t all that. Seriously, I can’t be the only one with these issues? Please, let me not be the only one!

And this is where I’ll admit I whined to Bron on the phone…


But I shall overcome this and think of something to put in this darned post. Positive things. Because we all know how easy it’d be to say something like, I’m a pro-level procrastinator (and pretty much everyone who knows me will say this without hesitation, sadly) 🙂 But we’re going to keep it positive, people. POSITIVE!

So…I’m a good cook. Not just following recipes but improvising as well. I’ve gotten fairly good at taking what I have and making something fairly good with it. And baking… I can admit I’m pretty damned good at baking. And I love to do it. I don’t get to do it enough, but now, we’re getting into the holiday season, and I make more time to do it. So yay!

I’m thrifty. A skill that grew out of necessity when I was a young mom at home, and we were living on one income. But it’s something I’ve continued, because let’s face it, I have four teenagers, which means life in general isn’t cheap. Add in the fact college is right around the corner… Seriously right around the corner – my oldest turns 18 in just over 2 months and will be graduating in the spring. So saving pennies where I can is a big deal, and I’ve gotten pretty good at it.

I love to brainstorm and I think I’m damned good at it. Not just my stuff, but helping others. Sometimes, it’s just a matter of asking the right questions, but it’s fun as hell and rewarding. And I love doing it for my stuff and with my friends when they’re stuck on something.

I’m good with schedules. Figuring out what needs to be done and what has to happen to get there. Following through on the schedule is a whole other story (see the pro-level procrastinator comment above). Well at least when it comes to writing. I can stick to a schedule with all the other stuff in my life – writing just tends to get shoved aside when the other stuff comes up. But I’m working on that. So if I can just stick to the spreadsheets and schedules I make for myself, I’ll be golden… :-/

And that is all I’ve got right now, folks. Make sure to go check out the mad skills of the other Wednesday ladies.

Bronwyn Green • Gwendolyn Cease Kris Norris

Until next week!



MERLIN CLUB: The Wicked Day



Or the Week Where Jess Drops the Ball Yet Again & Feels like a Huge Ass

So, it’s 3am on Friday and I’m JUST getting to this post. Been buried under a couple projects and let myself get way behind.

Just replace "Angel" with "Jess" & that's me.

Just replace “Angel” with “Jess” & that’s me. (And I don’t care how incorrect the French is. Look how adorable & baby-faced my Colin is!)

So, in an attempt to get a couple hours of sleep before I have to jump into more craziness, I’m going to be a bad, bad Merlin Clubber. My recap will be the shortest ever, and I’ll answer the questions. Please forgive…I beg you. MWAH.

Okay…my recap. Not even going to write it out. It’s just this…


That sums it up. And now, the questions…

If I’d written this episode, I would have changed…I wouldn’t have made it so Arthur’s freaking birthday is a day the man can never ever EVER enjoy. His mother dies bringing him into the world, then his dad dies on his birthday too? Seriously? That’s just not fair. Every year when his birthday rolls around, Arthur’s just going to go into hiding. (and yes, I was digging deep for that one because I canNOT brain right now. 🙂 )

Thing(s) I loved about this episode – Several things. I do love that Merlin finally shut Gaius down on the “It’s too dangerous, Merlin” argument of his. Just existing is dangerous for Merlin in Camelot.

Both Bradly James and Colin Morgan – They both killed it. I shed a tear over Uther’s death just because of Arthur’s reaction. And Merlin…so heartbroken. For his friend, and because it seems Arthur is now against magic for good. 😦

DRAGOON aka Emrys

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This scene. (Totally calling dirty birthday shenangans happening off camera!)tumblr_mi15waYbIS1rq0r8io1_250 tumblr_mi15waYbIS1rq0r8io5_250tumblr_mi15waYbIS1rq0r8io2_250 tumblr_mi15waYbIS1rq0r8io7_250 tumblr_mi15waYbIS1rq0r8io4_250tumblr_mi15waYbIS1rq0r8io6_250

The faces Merlin makes when he’s bullshitting about sorcerers to Arthur. I have at least one more to share from an upcoming episode…stay tuned. But seriously his expressions are are pure gold in these situations

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This one just makes me laughtumblr_mrhk7l3YPy1rwinolo1_250 tumblr_mrhk7l3YPy1rwinolo2_250 tumblr_mrhk7l3YPy1rwinolo3_250 tumblr_mrhk7l3YPy1rwinolo4_250

And this just gives me feels. All. The Feels. tumblr_naec01rpFf1siec8do1_400 tumblr_naec01rpFf1siec8do3_400 tumblr_naec01rpFf1siec8do5_400tumblr_naec01rpFf1siec8do4_400 tumblr_naec01rpFf1siec8do7_400tumblr_naec01rpFf1siec8do6_400

Thing(s) I hated about this episode – Greasy Agravaine. Just because. Not really anything else. I mean, it’s not my FAVORITE episodes but there are enough moments I love to keep me interested and there’s nothing I can think of at the moment that I HATED. Except Greasy Agravaine. Did I mention that?

Something I never noticed about this episode before – Until it was pointed out while we were watching, I never noticed how completely entralled and turned on Greasy Agravaine looked while Morgana performed magic. (Ewwww)

Proof of some head canon I’ve created – I’m fairly certain there were birthday shenanigans happened between the boys. Spankings and the like. Why else did Arthur immediately drop his pants when they got back to his chambers? Come on now…

Favorite costume – One last time, we’re going to give it up for Uther and the leather gloves.


And I think we should all send the gloves off with a round of applause…


Or if you prefer, go with the slow, dramatic, diagonal tournament clap…


Goodbye, Leather Gloves, you shall be missed. (Yes, I’m mourning more for the gloves than for the damned king!)

What would Bron steal from Camelot on this episode? The wagon the performers arrived in…with the trunks in the back thrown in for good measure.

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What made Jen lose her shit (in a good or bad way) in this episode? Don’t know that it counts as losing her shit, but I know how hopeful Merlin was about showing Arthur how magic could be used for good was heartbreaking for her. And I agree.

Bron’s Merlin Club: The Wicked Day Post
Jen’s Merlin Club: The Wicked Day Post

Next week, 11/10, at 8pm EST, we’ll be watching S04E04 “Aithusa”. We’ll be on Twitter with the hashtag #MerlinClub

Wednesday Randomness: A Few of My Favorite Things: Actors & Actresses Edition



Happy Wednesday! Let’s be honest here, this post could easily be titled A Few of My Favorite Things: Colin Morgan edition – Because. He. Is. My. Favorite – but I guess I *could* mention some other actors and actresses I enjoy. (Not as much as Colin, let’s be clear on that)

Jensen Ackles & Jared Padalecki


I love these guys. Love them as Dean & Sam, but they also seem like genuinely fun and nice guys. I think I’d pretty much watch whatever they’re in.

Nathan Fillion


Loved him in Firefly and have enjoyed him in everything else I’ve seen him in.

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David Tennant

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He is my Doctor. And I think he’s brilliantly talented. Not just as the Doctor but in everything.

Julie Andrews


She gets mentioned because I ADORE HER. Mary Poppins, The Sound of Music, Victor/Victoria, The Princess Diaries…. All of it….ADORE.

Bradley James (you knew he’d show up too…)

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He was fabulous as Arthur on Merlin. As the series goes on, he gets better and better. I’m so looking forward to seeing him in iZombie. Because, dammit, it’s about time he’s in something. I’ve been pining, Mr. James. Even with the guest spot you had on Homeland….it wasn’t enough.

Felicia Day

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She is fabulous. Gorgeous. Talented. And seems like she’d be a ton of fun. 🙂 If she’s in something, I’ll watch it. 🙂

And now, we’re going to end this post with Colin. Mr. Colin Morgan. Le sigh. He’s a brilliant actor, soooo freaking pretty, and I heart him. I heart him A LOT. 😀

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I’m all caught up on The Fall, so I’m ready for the next season he’s in. Can’t wait to see Testament of Youth. And am SUPER excited to hear he’s part of the cast for AMC’s Humans.

All right, remember to go check out what actors & actresses rank on the other ladies’ favorite lists.

Bronwyn Green • Gwendolyn Cease
Kellie St. James • Kris Norris

Until next week!
