MERLIN CLUB: The Dark Tower

Or The One That Was Okay

RECAP – Gwen and Elyan visit their father’s grave then head back to Camelot, escorted by Leon, Dwaine and Percival. Unfortunately, Morgana is near and casts a spell on a nest of snakes and there’s a scuffle and Leon and Percival are bit when they are knocked from their horses. Long story short, Morgana gets Gwen. 

The knights go back to Camelot, where Leon and Percival are taken to Gaius for treatment and Elyan reports to Arthur. The king tells Merlin they are going to ride at dawn. Merlin promises him they’ll get Gwen back. 

Much of the episode is seeing Gwen in the dark tower – with hanging mandrake roots dripping ooze from the ceiling. She sees visions of Elyan, Arthur and Merlin taunting her. And Morgana is sweet as pie to her former maid. Arthur and his men spend most of the time going in circles in the forest leading to the tower. And apparently that’s the doing of the fairy queen Mab . She warns him one will not return to Camelot. Merlin figures shit out and uses magic to find the way out of there. 

Once at the dark tower, there are booby traps galore and it’s Elyan who gets to Gwen first. She’s guarded by an enchanted sword. Elyan fights the sword which is stupid because it’s not like he can kill it, but whatever. He ends up wounded and throws the blade out the window and shuts it, and the sword flying back becomes embedded in the wood shutters. The rest of the men arrive to find Gwen cradling a dead Elyan. 

They have a funeral for Eylyan, and he is burned din a boat. Which is never explained really why. When it seemed the norm (with Lancelot though it was just his sword and cape) to burn the body in the courtyard. But okay…. no need to be consistent or anything. 

That night, Gwen slips out of bed while Arthur sleeps and goes off into the woods. And she meets…dun…dun…dun…Morgana. Turns out Morgana’s plan worked – Gwen is firmly on her side now. A traitor within Camelot… Again.

If I’d written this episode, I would have changed…Can’t really think of anything I’d change in this one. It did what it needed to do – turn Gwen against Arthur and Camelot in a way that is believable….and you know, actually explained and shown to us. 

Thing(s) I loved about this episode—Loved Merlin vowing that they’d bring Gwen home and his determination to do so. His devotion is beautiful. 

The slight comic relief of Gwaine…when everyone else is sharing a horrific dream of the tower and all that, this is him…

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Liked the knights and Merlin’s refusal to let Arthur continue on his own. That was lovely.

Liked having my head canon (see below) validated.

Seeing another of my favorite ships…Gwengana (Or some say Morgwen). I’ve shipped them a long time (I realize my love for Merther *may* have overshadowed it a bit earlier on in the series) but Dark!Gwengana….SWOON. Love it.

Thing(s) I hated about this episode—Queen Mab. I don’t know…I get why she was there. She was the reason the forest on the journey was messed up, causing the group to go in circles etc. But she was just annoying, IMO. Could have been done better, I think. 

Okay, this is where I have issues. Morgana’s plan…a decent one. If you want to get to Arthur, Gwen is the way to do it, yeah? It seems like a solid plan and it actually works…WOOT. But, a part of me just thinks, been here, done this. Another spy/traitor within the walls of Camelot. ANOTHER person close to Arthur betraying him (albeit not of her own volition). And it remains to be seen if the Morgana’s plan…well, goes to plan. Or if, like with Greasy Agravaine, opportunity after opportunity is missed to just do away with Arthur. It seems like Morgana seems to get an advantage only to squander it.

Something I never noticed about this episode before—A very small thing, but Merlin’s tunic is different – the seams aren’t like what he’s worn before. At least I don’t remember seeing a style like this on him. (Or maybe I’m just losing my mind and all of his tunics are like that.)Screen Shot 2015-02-26 at 11.53.12 PM

Proof of some head canon I’ve created—This episode is what absolutely reinforces my belief that Morgause did the mandrake root thing to Morgana. Morgana so drastically changed, and now, Gwen has done a one-eighty as well. Also when Morgana is talking to Gwen, apologizing for having to do this to her, she say something about how she knows it is cruel and how painful it is. The way she says it…definitely seems like she’s speaking from experience. 

Favorite costume—Morgana wins this week. The whole thing is amazingly gorgeous. And the detail on the hood…swoon. I want it. 

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What would Bron steal from Camelot in this episode? The mirror on Arthur’s mantle. And you have no idea how many tries it took to be able to get a screen shot of the mirror in focus. BUT I SUCCEEDED! 

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What made Jen lose her shit (in a good or bad way) in this episode? This was a tough one, especially since Jen didn’t watch along with us. And honestly I don’t think there was much to really lose shit about in this episode… If I had to guess, I’d say she was pleased that one of Morgana’s plans actually worked. 

Bron’s Take on “The Dark Tower” | Jen’s Take on “The Dark Tower”

Next week 3/2 at 8pm EST, we’ll be watching S05E07 “A Lesson in Vengence”. We’ll be on Twitter with the hastag #MerlinClub

Wednesday Randomness: Dream Cast For London Bound

Happy Wednesday! Today, we’re taking about our dream cast for a book. Could be a book we’ve written or one by someone else. I’ve decided to give you the line-up I’d envision for one of my upcoming books. I’m so excited for this book it’s ridiculous. So it so so much fun to figure who I’d see playing each character.

Here’s the blurb:


After losing her husband six years ago, Meg Stevens has focused on the day-to-day and being a mother, not sparing a thought for anything beyond—no dates, no excitement, no life other than what she already had. A six-week vacation to London, all but forced on her by her two children, changes all of that. Meg meets the man of her dreams—gorgeous, dominant, and completely on board with a short-term fling—despite the fact he’s far too young for her. 

Nathan Harris is more than a bit curious about the beautiful woman renting the upstairs flat, and once he talks to her, curiosity is quickly replaced by arousal and desire. It doesn’t take long before it’s clear she longs to experience sexual submission, and Nathan finds himself desperate to be the one she submits to. 

Her days spent exploring the city, her nights exploring Nathan and the pleasure submitting to him brings, Meg discovers the trip she’d taken out of obligation has turned into something she doesn’t want to walk away from. However, the life she left behind beckons, and there’s no room there for dreaming of something she can never have. 

First up, Nathan. This one was easy. I had this actor in my head from the get go. It won’t surprise anyone who knows me even a little. No, it’s not Colin Morgan. Not too far off, though.

For Nathan, I chose Bradley James, who played Prince/King Arthur in the BBC series Merlin, and I shall save the squeeing for his upcoming projects for another post and Twitter (and it’ll happen trust me).

Bradley_James-4He just seems to embody all the extremes that make up Nathan – confident, patient, stern, playful. And let’s just be honest…he’s sooooo pretty!


I love his smile, but the intense stare, looking all stern and shit…oh yeah.


I know this one and the first are very similar, pose wise, but I dont care. Because, look at the forearms people and his hands. GUH. (Yes, Bron, Jess’ Strangely Specific Fetishes are alive and well. 😉 )


Oh, and lots of suits. What can I say, Nathan has a job that requires he wear a suit. And I’m not complaining. 🙂


Now, for Meg.

This one was tougher for me to “cast”. But I finally figured it out. Allison Hannigan, folks. First, I think she is fabulous. I’m a huge fan of her and loved seeing her play Willow on Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Lily on How I Met Your Mother.


I think she’d be perfect to play Meg, the sweet mom who puts everyone else first, who tends to overthink and may have frequent freakouts, and who is baffled that Nathan would choose her. 38774_alyson-hannigan-lily-aldrin-como-conoci-a-vuestra-madreAnd this is so not a “she don’t know she’s beautiful” thing either. LOL While she has some insecurites like every other person, she’s pretty much all right with how she looks.

13132_alyson-hanniganIt’s a “you’re young and gorgeous; why are you bothering with a 40-year-old woman when you could have your pick from your own age bracket” thing. 🙂

Now, Meg has two kids…who we do meet despite being thousands of miles away.


For college student Aaron, I chose the adorable Grant Gustan, who played Sebastion on Glee and currently plays Barry Allen on The Flash. I think he’d be spot on for the goofy nerdiness (which makes me smile!) that is Aaron, as well as the more serious and quite protective side Aaron has, particular when it comes to his mother and sister.

For high school senior Emily, Alexia Fast was my choice. Honestly, I have to thank Bron for this one. I couldn’t find an actress that fit Emily, and Bron started throwing names at me to Google. So unfortunately, this one was based almost solely on looks and how I envisioned Emily.


This is so close to what I pictured when I thought of Emily – the sweet but spunky girl – it’s actually eerie.


And, finally, it is time to cast Nathan’s best friend, Jack. I chose Richard Madden – best known, I think, as Robb Stark on Game of Thrones. 


I can very easily imagine him as the friend who has no problems speaking his mind. He’s a huge flirt and can be a bit of a jokester, but is very intuitive and sees more than people give him credit for.


And that’s it from me this week!
Head on over and see who these fab ladies have chosen for their casts.

Bronwyn Green | Gwendolyn Cease | Jessica De La Rosa
Kayleigh Jones | Kellie St. James Kris Norris

Until next week!



Or the Time I Missed Merlin Club (& DRAGONSPEAK) Because I Was Sick

No recap this weeks, friends. This week has been crap. A sea of pain and flu and unmentionable things happening because of pain and flu. I didn’t even get to watch the episode with everyone on Monday night…


…and am still pouting about that. Still not a hundred percent, and frankly, I’m running out of time. I refuse to give up completely, though, so I shall still do my questions.

So basically, this episode is Merlin screwing up because he’s so focused on saving Arthur’s life. Other stuff happens obviously, but that is the underlying theme of it all. I’m sure Bron and Jen have much better recaps/summaries. Or if you want, head over to the Merlin Wiki page and read the summary (click here).

If I’d written this episode, I would have changed…I’d have had Merlin reveal is magic. Then again, I’d have had him reveal it a long time ago, so… 

Thing(s) I loved about this episode—Colin. Freaking. Morgan. I know, I know, I love him in every episode. But this is another one he, in my opinion, played his character very well. 

I actually like (and I’m likely in the minority, here, I know) how Merlin puts everything else aside to save his boyfriend. When he says there is no place in Camelot for magic, he’s putting aside his wants, the big picture of what he and Arthur are supposed to build of Albion, because he just wants Arthur to live. He denies an intregal part of himself for Arthur’s survival (never mind that it backfires so horrendously).

tumblr_mdje3iZMHy1ru3yuoo5_500It is so very clear what (who) is important to Merlin. It’s heart breaking and makes me want to cry – yup, that’s the stuff I love.

I like the moments between Merlin and Mordred. I think Merlin actually could come to like Mordred. They could be friends, but he can’t get it out of his head that this is the man who will kill Arthur.

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And Dragonspeak.

exploding ovaries

Thing(s) I hated about this episode—I’ll admit this isn’t one of my favorite episodes. Because I think without all the judgy judging happening from the Disir, perhaps it would have been easier for Merlin to get to the point that 

Something I never noticed about this episode before—Just how shitty Arthur and the knights were entering the Disir’s cave the first time around. I remembered them bringing their weapons in despite Merlin’s warnings, but FFS, Percival, did you have to tear down one of their relics from where it hung and trample on it? Show a bit of respect. 

Proof of some head canon I’ve created—Merthur love all the way. Merlin’s jealousy of Mordred – his issues aren’t all because Mordred is destined to kill Arthur. He’s way jealous of the time and attention his man is giving the new knight. And Arthur asking for Merlin’s advice and noticing Merlin hasn’t smiled in three days. 


Favorite costume—This was tough this week. The boys spent lots of time in chainmail and capes, which are lovely, mind you, but… I guess I’d have to go with Gwen’s cleavage gown. 


What would Bron steal from Camelot the Disir in this episode? She would knock those Disir bitches down and run away with one of their staffs. Merlin-5x05-The_Disir

What made Jen lose her shit (in a good or bad way) in this episode? How Gaius’ advice constantly contradicts past advice. 

Bron’s Merlin Club: The Disir Post
Jen’s Merlin Club: The Disir Post

Next week 2/23 at 8pm EST, we’ll be watching S04E06 “The Dark Tower”. We’ll be on Twitter with the hastag #MerlinClub


Wednesday Randomness: 5 Words or Less – Me, My Family, My Life


Quick explanation, as we’ll be doing this a couple of Wednesdays through the year. Five Words or Less – Pretty much what is says on the can. LOL We have to describe some things in five words or less. Can be a list of five adjectives or a five-word sentence…just can’t be more than five words. 🙂

So for this week…

Me – Obsessive, Procrastinator, Sympathetic, Creative, Loyal

My Family – Crazy :), Funny, Supportive, Loving, Essential

My Life – Busy, Chaotic, Exhausting, Fulfilling, Joyful

Check out how the other ladies described these things! (Five words or less isn’t as easy as it sounds!)

Bronwyn Green | Gwendolyn CeaseJessica De La Rosa | Kellie St. James | Kris Norris

Until next week!


February Song Writing Prompt – “Angels of the Silences”

songprompt4 This week’s song is “Angels of the of the Silences” by Counting Crows. As much as I love this song, it was a tough one to write a piece on. But I did it! 🙂 I actually went back to Michael and Aric – the two men from the first song fic – because it seemed to fit where they were. Particularly these lines…

Why’d you leave me ’till I’m only good for…
Waiting for you
All my sins…
I said that I would pay for them if I could come back to you

So, first, have a listen then see what it all means for Michael and Aric.

He’s falling apart, Aric. He’s lost without you. I’m so worried about him.

“Fuck.” Aric Brewer punched the mattress then rolled over onto his back, every muscle tight, quivering with… Hell if he knew what. There was too much coursing through him. Anger, confusion, grief, yearning… He clenched his fists. He wasn’t going down that road. He wasn’t going to lay here night after night wishing for something he couldn’t have, so he grasped onto something he could deal with. The anger. Oh yeah, that he could do well.

Aric brushed aside the annoyance he felt at Trina for coming to him with her brother’s current problems. After all, she wasn’t the only one who had looked at him with sad eyes and lamented on how the break up had been so hard on Michael.

Christ, he’d just wanted to celebrate his friend’s engagement like a normal person. He didn’t fucking need this. Why was it on him how Michael was doing? Why was that Aric’s problem? He wasn’t the one who broke it off, who threw it all away.

Everyone was so worried about poor Michael falling apart, but he was the one who decided they were done, who pushed Aric away and refused to speak to him. That was on Michael. “Poor Michael” created this fucking mess and could get himself out of it. Aric owed him nothing. He had to pick up the pieces for himself and get on with his life, and Michael would have to do the same. He would have to…

Aric drew in a deep but ragged breath when Michael’s face flashed in his mind for the millionth time that day. His beautiful face that used to make Aric’s heart race, but now…now, just made it ache.

Deflated, Aric got out of bed and shuffled into the bathroom. Sleep. He needed sleep and a break from that fucking face. He grabbed the pills his doctor had prescribed a little over a month ago when he’d been desperate for the solid night’s rest that had eluded him since he’d been shoved out the door. He washed two tablets down before returning to his cold, empty bed. He struggled to keep his mind clear as the medication did it work, grasping him tightly and pulling him into the blessed black he sought. But, as he went into the darkness, he couldn’t help but hope that Michael’s continued to be just as cold and just as empty since the day he threw Aric away.

* * * * *

Aric stared up at the house. His house. Their house. He snorted. Michael’s house. That’s what it was now. His knuckles whitened as he gripped the steering wheel. He’d been sitting here, parked on the street, for the last fifteen minutes, attempting to prepare himself for what he was about to do.

Confronting Michael had never been something Aric planned to do. Ever. He’d told himself if wasn’t worth it, that if Michael wanted him out of his life, Aric would oblige. After all, he thought bitterly, he’d never been able deny Michael anything he really wanted.

The decision to do this, now, was entirely selfish. He wanted to be able to tell Trina, to tell them all to back the fuck off of him, because he tried. Not that he was foolish enough to expect anything to change by talking to Michael but he would be able to say he made the effort. Maybe, just maybe, this would bring him a small measure of closure, and he’d be able to move on. And not hurt so much. He really, really wanted to stop hurting so damned much.

Gathering his anger close to him, draping it over the pain like a cloak, he got out of the car and strode determinedly to the house. If he had to take a few deep breaths as he rang the doorbell and stood before the door that had once been his to walk through happily and freely, it wasn’t something he acknowledged.

Clenching and unclenching his fists, he waited for Michael to answer. Impatiently, he pushed the bell again and again. He was probably still in bed. Aric nearly smiled as he thought of Michael’s habit of sleeping in whenever possible, catching himself before thinking too fondly of the man who’d broken his heart.

“Should have known you’d—” The door banged against the wall as Michael stood in just inside, gaping at Aric.

“Rise and shine,” Aric said with false cheer as he moved around Michael and made his way inside.

He came to an abrupt halt in the middle of the living room and surveyed the absolute mess that surrounded him. He’d thought Trina had been exaggerating. Truthfully, he’d hoped she’d been exaggerating about just how difficult a time Michael had been doing.

“What are you doing here?” Michael snapped from just inside the room. “Did Trina send you?”

“No, but given the state of this place…” Aric turned to him. It was a struggle to school his expression, because, son of a bitch, the cloak of anger fell away. Dissolved at the sight of Michael—his Michael—so very clearly on the edge. He swallowed and continued, “And the state of you, she should have. Long before now.”

Michael shoved his hands through his black hair, causing the already tousled locks to stand on end. He wouldn’t meet Aric’s eyes, gaze darting around the room, a flush rising on his cheeks.

“Why are you here now?” he asked. “It’s been two months, why now?”

Aric steeled himself, not in defense this time, but because he knew the last thing Michael needed was to be fussed over, babied. He never reacted well to that.

“You no-showed Oliver’s engagement party.” He glanced around the room, brow lifted. “Though it looks like you had a little party of your own, and seems to be a regular occurrence. I wanted to make sure you were all right. None of our friends have seen you recently. Oliver hand only heard from you when you called to bail on him. I was worried.”

“Well, as you can see, I’m alive and fine. So…” Michael waved toward the front door.

“Alive, yes. Fine…” He sighed heavily. “Hardly.”

“You have seen me in months, so you can’t really be the judge of that, can you?”

The hurt in Michael’s voice, in his wide gray eyes, gutted Aric. Nearly brought him to his knees.

“I’m the best judge of that. I know you better than anyone. And right now, sweetheart,” he walked across the room to stand in front of Michael, “you’re a mess.”

Michael’s lips trembled a moment before he pressed them together in a thin line. Aric’s anger rose again, hot and strong, but it wasn’t directed at the man before him. It was all focused back at himself. All this time, he’d been waiting and wondering, waiting on a sign that Michael was moving on—either back toward Aric or to someone else—and wondering how he could have shoved Aric away so thoughtlessly. Waiting and wondering instead of realizing he was the one who needed to do something. He should have known that. Should have seen that Michael was hurting, drowning in his grief.


The word, though whispered, jolted Aric from his thoughts. “Don’t what?”

“Don’t pretend you care.” Michael took a step back, gaze firmly on a point just past Aric’s left shoulder.

“I’m not pretending. I do care. I’ve always cared.”

“You don’t,” he snarled. “If you did, you wouldn’t have—”

He snapped his mouth shut and turned on his heel, practically running down the hallway to their…his bedroom. Aric didn’t hesitate to follow, pushing the door back open before it had a chance to latch. Michael stood, hands braced on the dresser, head hanging low. His shoulders shook as he struggled to breathe. Aric held himself back, denied the urge, the need to go to him.

“I wouldn’t have what?” he demanded.

“Walked away!” Michael shouted, straightening and spinning around. “I know, okay? I know I told you to leave, but you just walked away without a glance back. Like I was worth nothing. Like I wasn’t worth fighting for. You proved him right, Aric.”

The way his voice broke at the end pushed Aric forward, and he grasped the other man’s arms.

“Stop it,” he hissed. “Do not bring him into this. Into us.”

“There’s no us anymore.” Michael’s breath hitched. “And that was the problem. He was always there.”

“No.” Aric shook his head. “You pushed him out when he didn’t accept me, didn’t accept you, but for some reason when he died, you let him back in. And that was the beginning of the end, wasn’t it? Your bastard of a father managed to succeed in death where he failed in life—our relationship effectively died with him.”

“You don’t understand,” Michael whispered.

“You didn’t give me a chance to understand. You shut me out then you kicked me out. I gave you what you wanted. I walked away, but if you think it was without a backward glance, you couldn’t be more wrong.” He released one arm to cup Michael’s face. “I never stopped looking back, sweetheart. You just weren’t paying attention.”

These two are living in my head and will likely be the subject of most if not all of my song fics. I hope you like them as much as I do!

Head on over and see what these awesome ladies have been inspired to write after listening to “Angels of the Silences…
Bronwyn Green | Jessica De La Rosa | Kris Norris

MERLIN CLUB: Another’s Sorrow

Or the One Where Everyone Is Blatantly Missing Shit…IMPORTANT SHIT

One day, when I grow up, I’m going to be a master of organization and time-management. Today is NOT that day, lovelies. IT. IS. NOT. THAT. DAY. *head between knees and trying to breathe* I’m currently writing this post with my sweetheart of a neice climbing all over me, because I’m not going to have time to do it tonight with other obligations on the plate, sucking my time. Sucking it all away.

RECAP – The basic gist of this episode is Morgana has teamed up with Odin – don’t know if you remember or not but apparently Arthur killed his son, and Odin then sent those carnival/circus dudes to kill Uther on Arthur’s birthday… So yeah, bad blood, there. Morgana wants Camelot, and Odin gets to have Arthur for whatever he wants. The pair go to Nemeth and capture Rodor and his daughter Mithian. Knowing their strong alliance to Arthur and Camelot, Mithian is sent to lure Arthur into a trap. Morgana tags along under an aging spell to make sure the princess does as she’s told. Arthur, of course, agrees to help Mithian retreive her supposedly injured father. Long story short, there’s a confrontation, some fighting, Merlin using magic to save his king and in the end, with urging from Merlin, Odin and Arthur actually come to a truce, wanting peace for their kingdoms. Mithian and her father are safe. Arthur forgives Mithian, saying he would have done the same if it’d been his father. And all is well once again.

If I’d written this episode, I would have changed…Seems odd that we’ve not seen or heard mention of Odin in so long. He apparently has such a hatred for Arthur, you’d think something would have happened between Uther’s death and now. 

I’m going to rant a bit about Morgana. She seems completely superfluous to this storyline. Odin could have taken Nemeth (Rodor and Mithian’s kingdom) without her help – I’m assuming it’s his army that took over, because no mention of Morgana’s magic being necessary. He could have sent Mithian with a guard posing as one of hers to keep her under control. He could have accomplished all of this – avenged his son’s death and taken Camelot as his own – without Morgana at all. But nope, we don’t hear any thing about Odin until he’s a convenient plot device to clumsily further Morgana’s storyline.

Also, Morgana has to be one of the worst villains ever. Seriously. She has had opportunity after opportunity to eliminate Arthur quickly and without much fuss, but she has to go for the big, elaborate plans that don’t ever work out. And she is a joke. She tells Mithian if the princess betrays her again, she’s going to bury her father alive, but when Mithian finds a way to warn Merlin, Morgana does nothing besides knock Merlin out. She doesn’t follow through on her threat to Mithian at all. Doesn’t even attempt to. *sigh*

So I guess I’d change everything about Morgana. that’s what I’d change in this episode and every episode since she went dark side.

Thing(s) I loved about this episode—When the final confrontation happens between Odin and Arthur, I love how Merlin talks to him. Calmly advising his king. And Arthur listens. Love this…

 And Merlin’s expression at the end… *sigh* So proud of his Arthur.

And this bit made me smile.

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And for good measure…Merlin with that damned mortar and pestal. His forearms and hands haunt me. (Yes, Bron, this is another of Jess’ strangely specific fetishes.)


Thing(s) I hated about this episode—See what I said above in what I’d change. 

And then there’s the whole Old!Morgana bit. That no one recognized her is stupid. Also we’ve had two other characters use an aging spell – Merlin and Morgause. And nothing is consistent about the spell used.

With Morgause – she was older but her reflection was not. That showed her true form and Gwen was able to see it.

With Morgana – it is taking A LOT of energy and effort to hold the spell. And it seems that while her appearance is physically altered, she really isn’t. I say that because Gauis talks about how her body has such vigor and she is like a much younger person.

Now, with Merlin – He was able to see himself aged in a mirror. He looks and bemoans that this is how he is going to look when he’s old. He has no trouble holding the spell. In fact, it was harder work to lift it and be young again. And, it honestly aged him. He was unable to move quickly, was out of breath when walking quickly.

So I guess they were all different spells? Or at the very least the sisters’ spell was different than Merlin’s. Becasue the fact that Merlin is supposedly more powerful doesn’t clear up all the inconsistencies. Perhaps the sisters’ was more of a glamour–changed how they appeared, while Merlin’s actually aged him? I don’t know.

And along those lines…how the ever loving hell did neither Gauis nor Merlin suspect the aging spell? The clues were all lining up and duh, it never enters their minds…when Merlin himself had used the same trick several times? Urgh.

Something I never noticed about this episode before—When Mithian is brought into the castle, Gauis is all yelling that they need to keep her warm and for Merlin to get blankets. Dude, why don’t you try puttin her UNDER the blankets on the bed you had her put on? A little thing but just made me shake my head. 

Proof of some head canon I’ve created—I’ve got nothing this week. 

Favorite costume—Mithian’s dress in the beginning of the episode. 

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What would Bron steal from Camelot in this episode? The key to Mithian’s room. 

Horrible shot of it, but I know she loves old keys. :)

Horrible shot of it, but I know she loves old keys. 🙂

What made Jen lose her shit (in a good or bad way) in this episode? I think that Gaius and Merlin are complete idiots and don’t connect the dots with Old!Morgana.

And maybe that I said Arthur should have married Mithian. 😉

Bron’s Merlin Club: Another’s Sorrow Post
Jen’s Merlin Club: Another’s Sorrow Post

Next week 2/16 at 8pm EST, we’ll be watching S05E5 “The Disir”. We’ll be on Twitter with the hastag #MerlinClub

Wednesday Randomness: Love at First Sight, Soul Mates, Destiny?

Happy Wednesday, folks. 🙂 This week we’re talking about love at first sight, soul mates, and destiny…and whether we believe in them.

For me, the short and quick answer is no. As a writer – particularly one who writes romance – the ideas of love at first sight, soul mates and destiny are ones I love and love to work with. In real life, though, I really don’t believe in them.

Attraction at first sight, oh yeah. Love, nah.

Soul mates and destiny… I don’t believe in people being meant for each other or there’s a cosmic force bringing two people together for a greater purpose.

My belief is love and relationships aren’t magical.  They are the result of time and a whole lot of work.


I guess that’s it from me this week. LOL Check out the other ladies’ veiw on love at first sight, soul mates and desiny.

Bronwyn Green Gwendolyn Cease | Jessica De La Rosa Kris Norris

Until next week!


MERLIN CLUB: The Death Song of Uther Pendragon


Or This Week on Doctor Phil…My Dad’s a Ghost and Trying to Overthrow My Kingdom
(Thank you @swl_dylan, for the title this week)

So this week we have Ghost!Uther. Who is NOT happy with how his song is ruling his kingdom, and by his I mean Uther’s because that’s clearly how he thinks of it. A former maid as a wife, commoners being knights…it’s unheard of and just not acceptable to the dearly departed. Honestly, this whole episode can be summed up by this post on iamroboteye’s Tumblr

Arthur: Daddy!! Oh my god I’m so glad to see you I missed you so much and I wanted your advice I love you

Uther: I’m still a dick

Arthur: …goddamnit

And onto the questions…

If I’d written this episode, I would have changed…Nothing major I can think of, this week. 

Thing(s) I loved about this episode—Sooooo much Merthur. So so much. And it was lovely. I can’t even put all the scenes I loved in this post. But here is my favorite. 

Then there’s the outtake, with Colin laughing. It’s too freaking cute so I’m linking that too. 🙂 Just because.

Thing(s) I hated about this episode—As much as I hated Uther, I hate Ghost!Uther even more. There’s no love shown for Arthur, and that doesn’t fit Uther’s character at all. 

Something I never noticed about this episode before—While Leon is giving some report or another to Arthur and the Knights of the Round table, I never noticed this dude. This poor knight sitting next to Leon. LMAO



Proof of some head canon I’ve created—I don’t know that this is proof of anything, but I have a head canon of sorts to “fix” the thing that bugged me most about this episode. As fucked up as Uther is, he loved Arthur, and basically died for him. I can’t imagine that, no matter how he may disagree with Arthur’s choices, he would go after Arthur the way he did. I could imagine it if say Arthur had lifted the ban on magic or something… LOL 

But my head canon is that the spirit brought back with the horn thingy isn’t fully the person that has passed. Like aspects of that person are amplified–like in Uther’s case, his devotion to Camelot and his vision of what Camelot should be. His fears and views are so much in the forefront they crowd out his love for his son.

Don’t know if that makes as much sense written out as it does in my head, but it makes me feel better. 🙂

Favorite costume—Can’t find a full length of this one, but I loved Gwen’s dress this episode. 


What would Bron steal from Camelot in this episode? Oh this was hard. Either Gwen’s dress or the horn…I could see that horn thing resting on a shelf or somehow hanging on a wall in her house. Could be wrong though. If she’s opposed to the horn, go back to Gwen’s dress. 😉 (Or perhaps Arthur’s leather gloved hand…ROWR)


What made Jen lose her shit (in a good or bad way) in this episode? Ghost!Uther using Neil’s Dom voice. Probably the only thing she’s missed about Uther.

Bron’s Merlin Club: The Death Song of Uther Pendragon Post
Jen’s Merlin Club: The Death Song of Uther Pendragon Post

Next week 2/9 at 8pm EST, we’ll be watching S05E04 “Another’s Sorrow”. We’ll be on Twitter with the hastag #MerlinClub

Wednesday Randomness: Fave Villains


Happy Wednesday! It’s another A Few of My Favorite Things post. And this week is all about villains. I’m going to keep this short and sweet and just share a few of my fave villains. No muss, no fuss, and back to work for this girl. (just ignore the fact the trend that they tend to be good looking guys. Oh, love a bad boy, me.)

Loki (Thor)

Winter Soldier/Bucky (Captain America: The Winter Soldier)url

Sark (Alias)Sark

The Master (Doctor Who)
Particularly the incarnation John Simms plays. master

Moriarty (Sherlock)tumblr_inline_n4i2s6aVYx1svu8ku

Lucifer (Supernatural)

Be sure to see the villains the other ladies love. 🙂
Bronwyn Green | Gwendolyn Cease | Jessica De La Rosa | Kris Norris

Until next week!


February Photo Writing Prompt – Always Watching


I was bound and determined to write something happy this time around since both my January posts (photo & song prompts) were a bit on the down side. LOL I have failed in that quest. But now, I have two more characters clamoring around in my noggin. o.O JUST what I needed.

Here’s this month’s photo inspiration…
02-2015 - WinterCottage


I felt his gaze, the weight of it, but didn’t show any reaction. He wouldn’t want me to—I’d learned that real quickly. Watching me was something he did, had done for since we met at the beginning of the term through mutual friends. But if I were to glance up, meet his gaze or give him any clue I was aware of his near constant perusal, he’d flush—rather prettily—and look away. Then, avoid being around me for days. And that was the last thing I wanted. As fucked up as it was, I’d take whatever I could get from Eli Hannigan, even if was just being around him in the safety of our group of friends and the heaviness of his gaze.

“You’re coming tonight, right, Trev?”

Startled, I slid my gaze over to Olivia, careful not to go too far and look at Eli—a difficult feat since the petite brunette right next to him.

“Tonight?” I managed to ask as my stomach soured at just how close the couple sat together on the common room sofa.

Olivia threw her head back and laughed. “Where is your head? We’ve only been talking about this for the last half hour. Party tonight at Eli’s family’s cottage. Plan on staying the night, getting drunk and having a good time.”

I couldn’t help it; I flicked my eyes toward Eli, meeting his blue-gray gaze fully. Forcing a smile, I replied, “Fun as that sounds, I’m busy.”

“Busy with what?” Tyler, my so-called best friend, the person who introduced me to Eli and pretty much the only person who had any idea what I felt for the other man, snorted and nudged my shoulder. “Finally making time with that guy from the bookstore?”

Before I could answer, Olivia bounced her seat excitedly. “Oh, you have a date? Bring him along. The more, the merrier, right, Eli?”

A muscle in Eli’s check twitched as he clenched his jaw. Surprised filled me as he kept his eyes firmly on me. “Supposed to be a small get together, Liv,” he said tightly. “Last thing I need is a bunch a dumbasses trashing the place and having my dad all over my ass, like last time.”

“It’s one more person!” She shook her head, chuckling. “Trevor was already included in the original head count. Adding one more isn’t a big deal. Besides, don’t you want to meet the guy Trev’s been mooning over?”

That muscle twitched again, and he shoved a hand through his short brown hair before lifting a shoulder. “Sure, why not?”

“We’ll see, I muttered.

I pushed myself up from my position sitting on the floor and stood, anxious to get back to my dorm. To be free of his gaze, now filled with annoyance and…a hint of anger, just for a little while. Though I knew, even as I walked away, feeling its heavy, heated weight on my back, I’d be back for more. I always was.

* * * *

The party was winding down. Music turned off. Those who hadn’t already passed out stumbled up the stairs to find a flat surface to sleep for the night. I glanced around the cozy cottage and shook my head. Fuck this, I thought as I grabbed my jacket from one of the hooks near the door and shoved my feet into my sneakers.

I wasn’t even going to come at all. I’d been set to settle in for the night and study or zone out in front of the TV. Instead, I’d gotten in my car and, using the directions Tyler had scribbled out for me, driven out in the middle of fucking nowhere. All to watch my friends and people I didn’t really know get wasted and be stupid. And to be watched by Eli, who, despite this being his party, kept distant from everyone. Including his girlfriend. I shook my head. Fuck, I thought Olivia was his girlfriend. They acted like it most of the time, but she’d spent most of the night with Eli’s roommate Sam. They hadn’t done anything, at least not that I saw, but it was just odd that I hadn’t seen her and Eli near each other at all over the course of the evening. And his gaze had been on me, not her, but that was nothing new. That was familiar.

Whatever. Not my fucking circus. I turned to the door, the anxious need to escape overwhelming me again.

“Hey, where are you going?”

I froze in the open doorway as Eli’s voice washed over me. Just for a moment. I inhaled deeply then looked over my shoulder with a grin.

“Heading back. As many people as there are here, I’m guessing every bed is claimed. I’d rather go back to mine than crash on the floor. Fun party, Eli. See ya around.”

I stepped outside, and the bitter cold slapped me in the face as I pulled the door shut behind me. Rubbing my hands together, I walked toward where the cars were parked along the dirt road that led out here. Snow crunched under my feet, and my breath froze on the still air.

“Trevor!” Eli jogged past the line of cars just as I pulled open the door of mine. “You can’t leave.”

I leaned inside and started the engine then straightened to watch him stumble to a stop. The small amount of light from the car’s interior illuminated his wide eyes and lips parted as he panted slightly.

“Course I can. Christ, Eli, you’re not even wearing a coat. Get back inside.”

“You can’t drive back into town. You…you’ve been drinking. ‘S’not safe.”

“No, I haven’t. As you well know since you were watching me all night,” I mumbled.

His brow furrowed, and he pressed his lips together a moment then blurted, “You didn’t bring your boyfriend.”

I let out a bark of laughter. “Don’t have a boyfriend, Eli.”

“That guy…the one from the bookstore. Tyler said—”

“Tyler’s a shit stirrer and sees what he wants to see. Now, get your ass back inside before it freezes off.” I gave his arm a light shove. “Have fun the rest of the weekend, yeah? See you guys when you get back.”

He breath quickened, from the cold, I thought, until he surged forward and pressed his lips to mine. I grabbed hold of the top of the door, fingers aching as I fought not to launch myself at him.

With a gasp, he broke away. “Fuck. Fuck, Trevor, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have— Fuck.” He glanced at cottage, a frantic expression on his face, then back to me. “We’re drunk. That’s all. Stupid and dr—”

I grabbed him around the back of his neck and yanked him forward, slanting my mouth over his. Sliding my hands up into his hair, I gripped the ridiculously soft stands and let myself all into the kiss, the feel of him, his taste.

After a final slow lick along his bottom lip, I drew back and let my forehead rest against his. His hands trembled where they fisted the front of my jacket, but he made no move to back away.

“You’re not the only one watching,” I whispered. “This wasn’t some stupid, drunk thing, Eli. You haven’t had a single drink since I got here hours ago. So, cut the bullshit.”

“I’m not like you,” he said, his voice just as quiet as mine.

From anyone else, I might have taken offense, but there was no disgust or censure. I could practically taste the fear on his wobbly words. I closed my eyes a moment, cupping his face as gently as I could.

“Nothing wrong with you if you are.”

He shook his head, and his breath swept hotly over my face. “I wish things were different. That I could be…

Abruptly, he released his hold and stepped back. Squaring his shoulders and setting his jaw, he seemed to be building a wall around himself, effectively shutting me out.

“See you Monday,” he said flatly and started back toward the cottage. After a few steps, he paused and looked back. “Be careful, yeah?”

“Yeah,” I breathed watching his shadowed figure fade into the night.

After sliding into my car, I rested my forehead against the steering wheel, eyes squeezed shut. Fuck. The last thing I needed was to be hung up on some closeted guy—no matter how gorgeous, how nice, how tempting he was. Eli was a friend, nothing more. He was unwilling to be anything more. I pushed aside the memory of how frightened he’d seemed. I was just overthinking that. Coming out could be scary for anyone. I could make sure he knew I’d be there to support him if and when he took that step, but waiting around for something that may never happen? No. It was time to move on.

That thought, that resolution, firmly in my mind, I straightened and put the car in reverse. As I turned, pulling a U-turn, the headlight’s beams crossed over the stone cottage. My heart ached and I had to swallow around the huge lump that formed in my throat. Eli stood on the steps, hands shoved in his jean pockets, slightly hunched over.

I felt his gaze, the weight of it. Heavy, familiar and…so fucking sad.

Make sure to check out what fabulousness the photo inspired from the other ladies. :) 
Bronwyn Green  | Kayleigh Jones | Kellie St. James | Kris Norris