Wednesday Randomness: How Writing Affects My Life & Vice Versa

Well, I’m hoping this posts… I have been having blog issues lately – my blog has been down more than it’s been up. People are on it. People who actually know what they are doing (Meaning, not me) and hopefully will figure out what the issue is. *fingers crossed*

Anyhoo, the topic for this week is How Writing Affects My Life & Vice Versa. Fun, yeah? LOL

Being a writer…that’s not something I can turn off. I’m constantly thinking about the book I’m currently working on (Or another one. *snort*). So, sometimes, I…zone out. I admit it. The hubs is talking about something or one of the kids and tra-la-la, my mind wanders to a scene or something. I apologize a lot for not listening, and it’s not intentional. They’re all pretty used to it right now.

My family also get to hear my plot stuff out. My oldest son worked as a counselor at a camp over the weekend in the winter. It was an hour or so away, and I think I plotted out the enitre first Albion’s Circle book while driving him out there. Poor kid had to hear so much. BUT he’s pretty awesome and helped me figure shit out. So yay!

Writing affects my life in a somewhat negative way is when I’m on deadline, I pull late nights and am very crabby – especially in pre-caffeinated state. I don’t like being tired, and sometimes that seems like that’s all I am. LOL

merlin frustrated

Okay, now – how my life affects writing… Well the biggest way? It means I don’t get to write as often as I’d like. My husband and I have four children. Over the past 18 years, that has affected my writing. A LOT. It’s easier now that the kids are older; my youngest is 12. But still, school functions, concerts, programs, etc still hit the schedule and make fitting writing time more difficult.

That being said, I do childcare and most days of the work week, I three young kids here. You can imagine how writing what I write is difficult to do. So I focus on the children and the *other* day job. Yeah, another one. Why you ask? Well, the kids like to eat and the college years are upon us. o.O So I do what I can to help bring in some income. Not so different than most families out there, yeah? So after chasing kids, working, doing family stuff…some nights, it’s all I can do to stay awake, let alone get words in. But I’m working on a balance there, and some day, I may just find it.

And that’s where I’m going to wrap this.

Head on over and see how everyone else tackled this week’s topic.
Bronwyn Green | Gwendolyn Cease Jessica De La Rosa
Kellie St. James | Kris Norris Paige Prince

Until next week

Bound Amazon Giveaway! London Bound


In London Bound, Meg finds more than a bit of R&R while on vacation – namely a younger sexy Dom ready and willing to help her explore her fantasies.

While I’ve never had that kind of luck on vacation, I’m extremely lucky to have a number of great memories from trips and vacations I’ve taken. And I’m sure you do to!

Share your best vacation memory in the comments and enter to win a $20 Amazon giftcard! The contest runs through 3/29, with the winner being announced on the 30th. 🙂

a Rafflecopter giveaway

MERLIN CLUB: With All My Heart


Or The One with “The Gangly Boy” I Lust After…So Much

Bare recap, this week…

Arthur finds out Gwen is under Morgana’s power and acting with her against him. Merlin promises that they’ll find a way to save her – though later he wonders why the hell he promised that because he has no clue how to do such a thing. After conferring with Encyclopedia Gauis, he goes off to visit old spider eyes – aka The Dochraid.


He goes as Dragoon and eventually gets her to tell him how to get Gwen back to being Gwen. She’s not too happy with him because she’s definiteley Team Morgana. As he leaves, she tries to kill him but he ends up killing her (or does he?). He goes back to Camelot and tells Arthur the plan – not an easy one, involving bringing her to a remote place – the Cauldron of Something or Other – getting her to into the pool on her own, and having a sorcerer perform a ritual. Arthur is hesitant to break his own laws, but his love for Gwen wins out, especially when Gaius informs him the sorcerer he’s chosen is a woman and can be trusted.

So Merlin and Arthur drug Gwen and off they go. The Dochraid, who is NOT dead, manages to get a message to Morgana. Who is mighty pissed and unwilling to give up Evil!Gwen. She enlists the help of poor Aithusa and sets off after them.

While the boys are travelling, Merlin falls off a freaking cliff and is knocked out. Arthur, of course, goes after his boyfriend manservant and ends up falling himsef and his arm is pinned by rocks. Luckily for them, Mordred was all suspicoius and followed them. He saves the day. Though Merlin doesn’t see it that way, but we all know how he feels about Mordred.

The next day, they are nearly at their destination, and BAM Dragon Attack!!!!! They hide and Merlin tells them to go ahead of him. Mordred tries to stop him, but Merlin’s having none of that. And confronts Aithusa…full on Dragonlord mode…and sends the dragon away. Morgana shows up, but so does Mordred. Morgana throws them with magic – because that’s what magic is reduced to here. Mordred is knocked out and Merlin leaves him and goes after Arthur, who nearly goes back for his knight. Merlin convinces him that Mordred gave them a chance and they have to take it if they want to save Gwen.

At the cauldron, Merlin says he’ll go get the sorcerer…and uses magic to become an old woman sorcerer…The Dolma. While he’s doing that, Mordred shows up – he kinda kicked some magical ass with Morgana and kept Merlin’s secret (that he’s Emrys, the one Morgana fears most). Gwen wakes up and argues with Arthur, saying she never loved him, but he manages to break through the magic gripping her and gets her to wade into the water on her own. Dolma!Merlin performs the spell, and Gwen is Gwen again. Yay.

There’s sassiness on Dolma!Merlin’s part when Arthur nearly leaves without Merlin. On the trip back to Camelot, Mordred tells Merlin that Arthur is lucky – to have Merlin protecting and looking after him. He says he knows it was Merlin’s magic that saved Gwen. He again promises to keep Merlin’s secret, and says he wants what is best for Camelot as much as Merlin does.

If I’d written this episode, I would have changed… This is more irksome than anything, but Arthur is hesitant to have a sorcerer’s help with this, and Gaius says that this time is different, because the sorcerer is a woman. HOW IS THAT DIFFERENT? HOW IS THAT EASIER FOR ARTHUR TO ACCEPT?? He’s had female sorcerers after him before – the sorcerer from the very first episode, Nimueh, Morgause, Morgana… I just don’t get how it being a woman is a selling point is all. I think it would have been better just to have Arthur be desperate enough to do it. That fits the great love story they’re trying to tell. 

Thing(s) I loved about this episode

  • Betrayed!Arthur. I love me some pain and Bradley James plays it well.
  • Merlin as Dragoon. Dear lord, people, his voice. *THUD* Before as Dragoon, he’s had this exaggerated “old person” voice, but here, it’s all deep and gravelling and oh so lovely. My theory is that it’s because when he’s been Dragoon before he exaggerated it because he was around people who knew him and he didn’t want to risk recognition, but here, he didn’t have to do that. And I wholeheartedly approve.
  • Dragonlord!Merlin – you are not surprised by this, I know
  • Mordred. These episodes kill me with Mordred, because I know what’s coming. I like Mordred, dammit. And he just wants Merlin – Emrys, the most powerful of his kind, who he basically hero-worships – to like him!


  • Dolma!Merlin – this is a freaking hoot. Colin Morgan is brilliant here.
  • How utterly UNslick Arthur, Merlin and Gaius are when drugging Gwen


Thing(s) I hated about this episode—The thing mentioned above. And this is not just a Merlin issue – we see this in A LOT of shows/movies – but for all that is holy and good, make sure the person you “kill” is dead, FFS! 

Something I never noticed about this episode before—Got nothing here this week. 

Proof of some head canon I’ve created—Nothing this week, other than the obvious and constant Merthur subtext 😉

Favorite costume—Okay, I have to go with the freaking Dolma. Because, come on!


What would Bron steal from Camelot in this episode? Morgana’s ensemble, including her gloves and necklace. I’m kinda cheating here because I’m fairly certain this is her fave cosume of the week, but I’m doing it. 


What made Jen lose her shit (in a good or bad way) in this episode? A good way? I’ll just leave this here…because we sooooo agree on this. 

Bron’s Take on “With All My Heart” | Jen’s Take on “With All My Heart”

Next week 3/23 at 8pm EST, we’ll be watching S05E10 “The Kindness of Strangers”. We’ll be on Twitter with the hastag #MerlinClub

Wednesday Randomness: Wordless Wednesday – My Past


(Okay, I’m horrible at the wordless… I don’t really have pics from my childhood so I’m going with posting pics of things that come to mind when I think of my childhood… Some of them should embarrassment but I feel no shame. NO SHAME.)


009_20(800x600)_original250px-Box_gimp_1 Beetlejuice_film_poster80s-cartoons_320imagestsdbehi-ec091new_kids320 now-and-later pop-rocks-11


That’s it from me – time to get back to work. I’m certain the other ladies will have much more entertaining posts this week. Make sure to go check them out.

Bronwyn Green | Gwendolyn CeaseJessica De La RosaKayleigh Jones
 Kellie St. James | Kris Norris | Paige Prince


London Bound


After losing her husband six years ago, Meg Stevens has focused on the day-to-day and being a mother, not sparing a thought for anything beyond—no dates, no excitement, no life other than what she already had. A six-week vacation to London, all but forced on her by her two children, changes all of that. Meg meets the man of her dreams—gorgeous, dominant, and completely on board with a short-term fling—despite the fact he’s far too young for her.

Nathan Harris is more than a bit curious about the beautiful woman renting the upstairs flat, and once he talks to her, curiosity is quickly replaced by arousal and desire. It doesn’t take long before it’s clear she longs to experience sexual submission, and Nathan finds himself desperate to be the one she submits to.

Her days spent exploring the city, her nights exploring Nathan and the pleasure submitting to him brings, Meg discovers the trip she’d taken out of obligation has turned into something she doesn’t want to walk away from. However, the life she left behind beckons, and there’s no room there for dreaming of something she can never have.


A shiver skated down Meg’s spine, anticipation burrowing in her stomach as Nathan’s breath whispered over her lips. Her eyes nearly rolled back at the delicious pressure of his fingers on her neck as he held her firmly.

Then, he took her mouth, and there was no nearly about it—her eyes rolled right back. So much pleasure from a simple touch, a kiss. She should have known, though. The fleeting touches in the pub had been enough to make her yearn, to want more than she had in such a long time.

“So deep in thought,” he murmured, nipping at her lower lip then sucking on it slowly. “Where are you, right now, love?”

Hands on his chest, she fisted the soft material of the blue sweater he wore. “I’m here with you. If you want me to be.”

“Oh, I want.” His hand dropped from her elbow to palm her ass.  “Come inside with me.”

“Yes,” she whispered. “Please.”

He closed his eyes and rested his forehead against hers with a low groan. After a deep inhale, he straightened and, eyes locked on hers, reached behind to push the door to his apartment open. Hands firm on her ass and neck, he walked backwards, pulling her inside slowly. He was giving her an opportunity to change her mind, she realized. While she appreciated the gesture—really, really she did—she didn’t want slow, she didn’t want questions, and she didn’t want to stop what she’d started or begin to doubt a decision she’d had a hell of a time making in the first place. What she did want? More of his mouth and hands on her. The chance to touch and explore the hard edges of the body she’d seen earlier that day. To feel him against her, surrounding her, and God, inside her. Her pussy clenched, empty and aching, at the thought.

He let go of her ass to push the door shut, but his grip on her neck remained, like a brand, and she couldn’t deny that she loved it. The weight, the press of his fingers awakened things inside her she’d thought gone and buried long ago.

Nathan wrapped his arm around her waist and dragged her forward. His fingers shifted slightly, tangled in her hair. She whimpered, relishing the sharp sting as he pulled her head back roughly.

The hard length of his cock pressed against her belly, and she cursed the layers between them. Even though her coat was open and it was just their clothing, it was too much separating them and she longed to tear the material away, feel him skin to skin.

Bending forward, he settled his lips over her pulse and sucked. With a gasp, she slid her hands up to cradle his head. The soft hair tickled her palms, and the sensation, paired with the pull of his mouth and the smooth glide of his tongue, had her arching toward him, desperate for more.

Clit pulsing, she shuffled to press her thighs together. A whine lodged in her throat when Nathan shoved a knee between hers, preventing her from finding any sort of relief—however small and inadequate it would have been.

His forearm slid over the curve of her ass, and he grasped the hem of her skirt. As he pulled the garment up, she held her breath but let it out in a whoosh when he traced the edge of her panties.

He lifted his head and met her gaze. The vibrant blue of his eyes was nearly eclipsed by the dilated pupils. His grip tightened on her neck, just a moment, before he moved both hands to her hips and pushed her until her back hit the door. She didn’t have time to react or mourn the loss of his touch because he was right there. Pressed against her, roughly pulling her skirt around her waist. He cupped her mound, his warmth seeping through the thin cotton and melding with the heat she radiated.

“Bed?” She could only manage the one word, so lost in what he was doing, what was to come.

“Eventually.” He chuckled, a dark, decadent sound that smoothed over her, sending her even deeper under his spell.


March Song Writing Prompt – “The Hammer’s Coming Down”

songprompt3This week’s weeks song is “The Hammer’s Coming Down” by Nickelback. Kris and Paige are so happy about this. 😛

I’d planned on writing more about Aric and Michael, but this song really didn’t lend itself to their story. As I listened to it, I kept thinking of Merlin and Anna from my Albion’s Circle series. Probably because I’m back writing them. I don’t know how well I kept to the song itself, but this was inspired by it… So, I went with it – though I’m sure I’ll be back with my boys soon. 🙂 They’re still talking to me.

So, here is a glimpse into Merlin and Anna’s past – the eve before battle, the very first time they faced Mordred, back in the days of Camelot.

If you want to take a listen before you read… Click Here


The quiet surrounded me as Camelot’s great army slept. I’d been unable to do the same. I’d tried—mostly for Merlin’s sake as he’d fussed at me the night before. And for Arthur and Galahad and the others who kept casting worried glances my way as we’d sat around the campfire. So, I’d retreated into our tent with Merlin and curled up beside him on the fur-covered pallet. Being in his arms had helped—it always helped—but it hadn’t brought me rest.

Frustrated and unable to stop the doubt and fear vibrating inside me, I reluctantly slid from Merlin’s embrace, not wanting to interrupt his sleep. And, even if I lay still as a stone, eventually he would sense my unease. Particularly since controlling my power was becoming more difficult by the minute. The air in the tent teemed with it, and I tried to rein it in as I quickly dressed. With one last look at the man who slept surprisingly peacefully, I slipped outside.

A few men sat around fires throughout the camp—either on watch or, like me, unable to sleep. I paid them no mind and made my way into the trees. I didn’t go far—just far enough to be away from the bustle when everyone began to wake but close enough I’d hear if there was trouble.

I stood in a small glade and stared into the darkness, struggling against tears that welled up, that nearly choked me. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I closed my eyes and reached out mentally, letting my magic touch on all the wards and protection spells we’d woven around the encampment. All intact and strong. I sensed each of the men—Magical and non-Magical—on watch around the perimeter. Everything was as it should be, and yet, an uneasy feeling curling around me, squeezing me to the point I couldn’t breath

Morning would soon be upon us, and battle would begin. And I, Camelot’s strongest Seer, saw nothing.

I had tried everything in my power to see what was coming, to glimpse any hint of what the battle would bring. Even going so far as ingesting a complex combination of herbs said to induce visions. That had only succeeded in making me unable to control my magic at all, and had spent an hour vomiting in my chambers as my belongings either shattered or floated around me. The only redeeming thing about that entire experience was no one had been around to witness it.


I sighed as Merlin’s arms came around me, pulling my back against his front. I covered his hands with mine and let my head rest against his shoulder.

“What’s the matter?” he asked, pressing his lips to my temple.

“I can’t see,” I said softly. “I’ve never been so blind to what is ahead.”

“All will be well,” he assured. “This is hardly the first time Camelot has been at war.”

But it was the first time they’d ever faced such a Magical threat led by someone who once claimed friendship and swore loyalty to Arthur and Camelot, someone who’d betrayed them in every way possible.

“I wish you wouldn’t go onto the battlefield,” I whispered, selfishly. I couldn’t shake the feeling something bad was going to happen to him. And being unable able to see…only strengthened that fear. But, while I knew he could provide protection from afar, he never would. It wasn’t who he was.

“My place is by Arthur’s side.”

“Funny, I thought it was by mine,” I snapped, jerking out of his arms and stepping away.


I pressed the heels of my hands to my eyes, hunching over as I tried to calm down. I felt the comforting touch of Merlin’s magic, twining around me, gliding over my skin.

“Annwyl, please.” Desperation filled his voice, and straightening, I turned around. “I love you, more than anything, you know this.”

“Just as I know you love your king, and you will do everything in your power to protect him.” I closed the distance between us and reached up to cradle his face in my trembling hands. “Forgive me. I’m tired, and not being able to see makes me… I’m uneasy. But I know you need to be with him.”

His hands settled on my hips, fingertips pressing hard. “And I’ll come back to you. Always.”

“I know.” I brushed a thumb over his lips, enjoying the resulting shudder and swell of power.

“Mordred will not win,” he said firmly. “We’ve ensured that by creating the Circle. You ensured it by finding the spell to do so. We’ll stop him, Annwyl. And, after…”

“Yes?” I moved closer, biting back a moan when his hard length pressed against my stomach. “What happens after?”

“After,” he drawled, “we return to Camelot and ignore our friends and our duties for days while I keep you in my tower and show you again and again how much I love you.”

“Bold promises,” I teased.

“I always keep my promises, love.” He dropped a quick kiss on my lips. “Actually, why wait?”

I huffed out a laugh as he let go of my hips and grabbed my hand so he could pull me behind him as he walked.

“Merlin,” I said, trying to keep my voice hushed.

He said nothing as he led me back to camp then into our tent. Once inside, he muttered and the candles inside the space flamed to life. His bright blue gaze seared as he turned toward me.

“We’ve hours yet before the sun rises,” he said slowly. “If you can’t sleep, let’s not waste them.”

I let him tug me back over to the pallet and followed readily as he stretched out on the furs. I shoved aside the fears and uncertainty that still filled my head, anxious to lose myself in him. In the way we came together, the way he made me feel.

But, even as we moved, loved each other, I couldn’t help but feel as if this were the calm before the storm. That, come morning, once the battle began, there was no turning back. Everything was going to change.

Head on over and see what these awesome ladies have been inspired to write after listening to “The Hammer’s Coming Down”…
Bronwyn Green | Gwendolyn CeaseJessica De La Rosa | Kayleigh Jones
Kellie St. JamesKris Norris | Paige Prince


MERLIN CLUB: The Hollow Queen



I’m keeping James Lester up there in all his awkwardness because I love it and I was so off my game this last week. But okay…time for….


Or the One Jess Forgot to Post About

And…we’re just going to go straight to the questions, folks.

If I’d written this episode, I would have changed… The things they do for humor. In this episode, specifically, Arthur being unable to put a fucking shirt on without assistance. One, it’s been shown before he’s perfectly capable of dressing himself. Two, it’s not funny, really, it just makes him look like an idiot. I think there are other ways of showing that he relies on Merlin and wants him back – you know other than his royal dresser. So I’d have nixed that and added more about how he relies on Merlin in other aspects. 

Thing(s) I loved about this episode—OMG, Arthur being all kingly and using the royal “we”. how weird am I that that totally appeals to me? ROWR

I really like the Daegal storyline and the character, and hated that he died, especially him asking if he’d done something good as he’s dying. SOB. I loved Jealous!Arthur when he thinks Merlin’s off with a girl. That was delightful. Especially followed with the suspiciously asking Merlin why he’s walking with a limp. *snicker* 

And we have some Jealous!Merlin too (I know some of his problem is Gwen’s not herself, but when Arthur and Gwen are all kissy-kissy, he is not happy)


Also enjoyed getting to see some of Morgana’s story we didn’t know – her being trapped underground with Aithusa definitely brings sympathy to the character and makes you understand her better.

Thing(s) I hated about this episode—What I mentioned in the what I would change. Can’t think of anything else. 

Something I never noticed about this episode before—Nothing this week. 

Proof of some head canon I’ve created—Aside from Merthur…definitely Gwengana/Morgwen happening. The body language when they’re together…definitely happening. 

Favorite costume—Mostly because…forearms (I’m so shallow). 


What would Bron steal from Camelot in this episode? The table/shelf thingy next to Arthur’s bed….Well, pretty much all of Arthur’s bedroom, actually. 


What made Jen lose her shit (in a good or bad way) in this episode? I don’t know this week…  I’m at a loss. 😦 I guess I’m going to go with…if Morgana love Aithusa so much, as is the implication here, where is the dragon, folks. We saw her briefly in the opening of the season but not since. So where is Aithusa? 

Bron’s Take on “With All My Heart”

Next week 3/16 at 8pm EST, we’ll be watching S05E09 “With All My Heart”. We’ll be on Twitter with the hastag #MerlinClub



Wednesday Randomness: Inspiration A-Z

Happy Wednesday!

Before we get to today’s topic, I want to give a shout out and huge welcome to Paige Prince who is joining for the Wednesday Random fun times! Paige, my lovely, lovely Paige, so happy you’re here, darling. MWAH

Now, this week, we’re talking inspiration…and presenting it to you A-Z. My list – some of it is what inspires me writing-wise (most of it probably) but some is just what I find inspiring in life. I feel I should apologize for the complete and utter…well, silliness of it. But…


And, really, no one who knows me will be surprised by this list.

All Things Arthurian – King Arthur, the Knights of the Round Table, Merlin, magic, swords, epic battles, good vs. evil… How can I not be inspired? All of the legends I love pushed me to write my own Arthurian-inspired series, Albion’s Circle.

Bradley James –


Need I say more?

Colin freaking Morgan – Admit it, you knew this one was coming, didn’t you?


No words…just, Guh.

Dreams – This one is probably weird, but I’m going with it. This definitely falls in the writing inspiration column. I’ve had a few books start out of a dream I’ve had. Not that I dreamt the whole book or anything. It could be just a moment, an event that just triggers something and it all comes from that.

Encouragement – Complete honesty, my friends’ encouragement is crucial for me in writing. Knowing that they will read through something and tell me the truth, no matter what? That’s pretty much the greatest thing ever. And whether I crank out something good or not so good, the encouragement is always, always there – to keep going or to fix that shit! 🙂

Family & Friends – Wasn’t even going to attempt to list people individual for something like this. o.O I’ve been so blessed – with the family I was born into, the  and the friends I’ve had the good fortune to have come into my life. And I’m inspired by them every day.

GIFs – I will admit I love GIFs (this doesn’t surprise anyone, probably). I have huge files of them and many many of them are quite inspiring. If you message with me on the regular, you’ll get GIFs (and reg pics) too thrown at you often. Behold…



This one will make more sense after you read “J”

Husband – And not just in the bow-chica-bow-wow way either. He’s the strongest, kindest, most loyal and dedicated person I know. And he inspires me to be better. And, he’s pretty easy on the eyes, I’ll admit. Rowr. 🙂

Inspiring Things – Cut me some slack… Pretty please?  This is one of the last letters and I can’t brain anymore. So inspiring things inspire me. Let that little truth bomb ruminate for a while…

Jess’ Strangely Specific Fetishes – A phrase coined by the lovely Bron during Merlin Club. I don’t think they’re strange…but I suppose I can see how they would seem as such to others. What are they, you ask? Well, hands, collarbones, forearms, Merlin’s Dragonspeak Voice, King Arthur’s use of the royal “we”… To name a few. ENDLESS inspiration for the writing, let me tell you.

Kids – As infuriating as they can be, they inspire me so much. Most often when they don’t even know I see or hear what they’re doing. They make me believe I’m doing SOMETHING right with my life.

Love – romantic love, platonic love, parental love… C’mon, love is just inspiring. Not much to expand on that.

Merlin – not specifically Colin Morgan’s Merlin (though he certainly is inspiring). The character of Merlin and all it’s incarnations intrigue me. There’s a reason Albion’s Circle centers around Merlin and the woman he falls for.

Nature – Although I would never claim to be an outdoorsy girl, I have a healthy appreciate for nature and it does inspire me. Sitting on the lake, or by the sea, hiking to a little known waterfall in the woods…  Thunderstorms are the best thing ever. Yeah, see? I like me some nature.

OneRepublic – Don’t laugh. Their music is especially speaking to me as I write the Albion’s Circle series. And darn it, I know some people are go to have Nickelback on their lists!

Pride & Prejudice – I love Jane Austen, but P&P is my fave. And it also inspires me to write the best damned books I can. Particularly when it comes to characterization because that is one of the first books I read that I connected so greatly with the characters. (Not saying it’s the first book I liked or I didn’t like characters in other books before, but I felt particularly invested in Lizzy and Mr. Darcy.)

Quiet – This one may actually surprise because I always have headphones on or background noise (TV) going when I write. BUT I’ll let you in on a secret – that started as a defense mechanism. An effort to drown out the general chaos that is around me. Then, I got used to some kind of noise while I wrote and it stuck. So yes, I need that when I write, but when I’m thinking through a story, plotting, etc… When trying to come up with somthing…quiet is the trick, my friends. Don’t know if that counts as “inspiration” but hell, what the fuck else am I going to come up with Q????

Readers – Readers saying they liked a book or asking about the next book in a series… Yeah, that inspires, big time.

(Lake) Superior – I grew up where I could bike to Lake Superior. That is my happy place. Some friends and I go there every year for a retreat, and it’s honestly my light at the end of the tunnel when stress gets to me (and by that I mean ALL. THE. TIME.)

Tumblr – It’s my OTHER happy place. And so much more accessible than my dear lake.

United Kingdom – Big part of this is because of my love of history and my family background. Always felt a pull. I finally had the opportunity to travel there this last year. Spent most of my time in London but spent some time driving across Wales and a day in Bath, as well. LOADS of inspiration. Hell, my upcoming book’s title is London Bound so… there you go

(Bon) Voyage – I know that’s sort of cheating, but… V…. Veeeeeeeeee!!!


Anyhoo, love to travel – or Voyage, if you will – and find inspiration in the history, the architecture, people watching, the surrounding scenery…

Wine – Some of my best ideas and most brilliant moments happen under the influence of good, cheap wine, my friends.

X-rated – I write erotic romance. Hello?

(Da) Yoop, eh? – Since I already had something for U, I couldn’t put Upper Michigan or UP (Upper Peninsula). It’s where I grew up. I adore it up there. And I’ve definitely been inspired to write stories set up there because of my neverending love. Hey, once a Yooper…

Zeal – Seriously, I know the look on your faces right now….


…but hear me out. One, Z is hard, people. Two, I admire zeal. I find it inspirational when I see someone passionate about what they believe. Unless, they’re dicks about it. Then, well, I’m the one with the expression above on my face.

Be sure to click below and see what inspires everyone else!
Bronwyn Green | Gwendonlyn Cease | Jessica De La Rosa | Kellie St. James
Kayleigh Jones | Kris Norris Paige Prince




Bad Boys Next Door Box Set — Available March 16, 2015


There’s just something about a bad boy… It could be that neighbor you’ve had the hots for forever. Or maybe the guy in the cabin or office next door. It might even be a guy you meet on vacation or one you’ve known since you were a kid.


Twelve prolific authors, including New York Times Bestseller and USA Today Bestseller, Selena Kitt, and USA Today Bestseller, Jenny Trout writing as Abigail Barnette, present a sizzling collection of erotic romance sure to bring you to your knees and make you believe in love again – or, at least, lust at first sight!


Set also includes: Gwendolyn Cease, Bronwyn Green, Tilly Greene, Elise Hepner, Jessica Jarman, Sommer Marsden, Kris Norris, Paige Prince, Charlotte Stein, and Alison Tyler.


Abigail Barnette (Jenny Trout) – Bad Boy, Good Man


Newly independent real-life adult Ellie McCormack loves everything about her first apartment…except her neighbor. His bi-weekly sex fests keep her up at night in more ways than one as she wonders about the man who’s making all the noise—and what he’s doing to make his women so damn loud.


But even her wildest fantasies couldn’t conjure up a man like Antony DeLuca. When she works up the nerve to confront him, she’s expecting a player, but there’s more to Antony than his carefree sexual escapades. One hot night with him helps Ellie see through the man who drives women wild, to the good guy beneath it all. A guy that she just might be able to fall for…


Gwendolyn Cease – No Strings


All Kaitlin O’Neal wants to do is fix her sink. She’s intelligent and resourceful. Plus, she’s got her own tools. How hard could it be? Apparently, extremely hard, since her attempt left the sink in an unusable condition. When her next-door neighbor, Cameron Sinclair, offers to help her fix the mess and renovate the rest of the kitchen, she jumps at the chance. She’d be a fool not to, right? Cameron, though, is hotter than hot and makes her an offer she can’t refuse.


Cameron has wanted Kaitlin since she moved next door. So what if she’s older than him? She’s beautiful, sexy, and he wants to get to know her better. He offers her a no strings affair—one he hopes will keep her coming back to his bed. Between home improvements and steamy sex, Cameron realizes that their no strings fling will never be enough, but can he convince Kaitlin he’s worth the risk?


Bronwyn Green – Drawn That Way


Tristan Weaver, accountant for a successful video game company, is in way over her head. Honestly answering a company-wide survey and criticizing the sexist stereotypes used in the company’s games was enough to catch her boss’ attention. But speculating on his sex life within his earshot has unexpected consequences when her hot, but nerdy, boss invites her to model for him.


Owner, artist and lead developer of Brecken Games, Rory Brecken, has a strict no fraternizing with employees rule. However, when he overhears Tristan’s conversation with her friend about his rumored kinks and begins to suspect her curiosity in the submissive side of sex, he’s more than a little tempted. When her interest is undeniably confirmed, he suggests a onetime only, colleagues with benefits hook-up.


Though neither want a relationship, once isn’t enough for either one of them. As their encounters become more intense, Rory makes a huge mistake that may cost him the woman he’s coming to love.


Tilly Greene – Her Wicked Ride


Mike Mulligan co-owns a garage and fixes cars. He rides a Harley, is covered in tattoos and has spent time in jail. Since being released he’s tried to live a clean life, but he’s a bad boy with women, very bad and terribly sexy. Bondage, domination, and so much more, are his preferences when playing with the ladies, and there have been a variety until the last one.


For the first time, he had to work for a yes. All summer, they’ve had fabulously wild no-holds-barred sex, but one morning everything changes. With chaos in the garage, a cup of coffee in hand, and a half-naked Sherry Gonzales in his lap, his eyes are opened to wanting more than sex with her. Mike’s solution is to go on a date, their first date.


The night starts out fine. But things get wicked on the back of his bike before taking a turn, but for the good or bad?


Elise Hepner – A Marriage of Inconvenience


When Izzy Thorton’s mother falls ill and is given a terminal diagnosis the last thing Izzy anticipates is a proposal from her best friend, Sebastian Leery, to fulfill her mother’s dying wish. Only one snafu keeps Izzy from saying yes—she’s in love with him. But before she can say much of anything to his proposal, Bash takes the reins by telling her mother the good news.


Unable to fight her undeniable attraction to her playboy best friend—Izzy goes through with the best and worst mistake of her life. No sooner are the rings exchanged when they both realize their friendship can only bridge so many gaps. Sebastian has no hope of keeping his skeletons in the closet and Izzy doesn’t know how much longer she can keep her heart out of the equation.


Together they fumble through the darkness of their past to a future that might just be a little more clear–if they can fight their chemistry long enough to talk.


Jessica Jarman – London Bound


After losing her husband six years ago, Meg Stevens has focused on the day-to-day and being a mother, not sparing a thought for anything beyond—no dates, no excitement, no life other than what she already had. A six-week vacation to London, all but forced on her by her two children, changes all of that. Meg meets the man of her dreams—gorgeous, dominant, and completely on board with a short-term fling—despite the fact he’s far too young for her.


Nathan Harris is more than a bit curious about the beautiful woman renting the upstairs flat, and once he talks to her, curiosity is quickly replaced by arousal and desire. It doesn’t take long before it’s clear she longs to experience sexual submission, and Nathan finds himself desperate to be the one she submits to.


Her days spent exploring the city, her nights exploring Nathan and the pleasure submitting to him brings, Meg discovers the trip she’d taken out of obligation has turned into something she doesn’t want to walk away from. However, the life she left behind beckons, and there’s no room there for dreaming of something she can never have.


Selena Kitt – Working for the Weigands


Lloyd “Boone” Goodhart has been working for the Weigands since he was in high school, mowing their ornamental lawn, shoveling their long, winding driveway and skimming their enormous in-ground pool for extra cash, much of which he gives to his mom, a single-mother who has worked in the Wal-Mart bakery for twenty years. Boone, more apathetic cynic than true slacker, is also attending community college, bagging groceries at a local supermarket, and rebuilding his dead-beat dad’s old Harley.


His second summer after high school graduation starts out just as mundane and routine as the first, but Boone’s world turns upside down when Mrs. Weigand tells him her husband has left her, and her daughter has returned from boarding school in Europe, where Danielle “Ellie” Weigand has spent the past five years.


Before he knows which way is up, Mrs. Weigand starts requesting extra services of Boone—in more ways than one—while her daughter, Ellie, teases him mercilessly, just like she did in junior high. He soon finds himself immersed in a desperate, passionate affair, with not just one woman, but two.


Will the attention of both mother and daughter be more than he can handle, or will his growing feelings for them be more than he can bear?


Sommer Marsden – The Anniversary Party


Kylie Walker is cracking under the stress of hosting a thirtieth anniversary party for her parents and trying to keep up with her freelance writing deadlines. With a new house, a well-meaning but useless sister, and roughly forty people about to descend on her home, she doesn’t think it can get much worse. Until her mother’s friend, Mrs. Sinclair, calls to ask if they might bring one more person. Her son, Wade. The man who up and left Kylie eight years before.


Wade Sinclair has come back to town with one hope—to make things right with his high school sweetheart. Still hopelessly in love with Kylie, Wade knows he must come clean about why he left her all those years ago so he can finally set about reclaiming what he never should have let go of in the first place—her love.


Can they put their past behind them and look toward the future? Or will the anniversary party be the end of them altogether?


Kris Norris – Force of Nature


Love—an unparalleled force of nature.


Conservation Officer, Finley McKay, isn’t a stranger to criticism. Taking risks to protect delicate ecosystems doesn’t impress most people—including the doctor renting the cabin beside hers. The man’s arrogant, opinionated and far too sexy in his faded jeans and tees. She already knows he’s an ass—she just wished it mattered enough to make her keep her distance.


Dr. Coen Brady isn’t looking to fit in. Having recently retired from the military, he’s hoping to spend a few months hiding from the world in a small, out-of-the-way town in northern Washington.


But just his luck, he has the misfortune of running into his next-door neighbor. A girl who seems determined to get herself killed before his time there is up. She’s reckless, stubborn and slowly driving him insane.


When anger morphs into angry sex, Coen knows taking her to bed is a calculated risk—one he might regret when her investigation turns deadly, leaving Finley’s life hanging in the balance. Breaking a few rules to keep her in the game doesn’t seem that dangerous, until it becomes painfully obvious she won’t stop until justice is served—even if the price is her life.


Paige Prince – Lost Treasure


Danielle Almasi-Epperson’s parents were killed in a tragic car accident when she was eight years old, leaving her world famous, Egyptologist grandfather to raise her in their stead. While she had the pleasure of growing up on archaeological digs, he never believed that the field was a woman’s place. All she’s ever dreamed of is adventure and the kind of love her parents had.


Jareth Riley was the boy in the tent next door to Danielle’s at every dig she could remember while growing up. Her grandfather and his father labeled him a troublemaker from day one. So, when Danielle and Jareth fall in love and lose their virginity to each other, it takes no time at all for her grandfather to ship her off to Harvard.


Ten years later, she’s working as a curator at a museum and he’s a treasure hunter. When he shows up on her doorstep asking for help to find a lost artifact with supposed mystical powers, she can’t help but say yes. In no time at all, they’re on the run from mad men with guns and rekindling the romance that had never quite died. Will they be able to restore the lost treasure to the rightful owners, or will they destroy their chance at happiness or lose their lives in the attempt?


Charlotte Stein – Curveball


When Judy Myers is offered a relaxing vacation to get away from her latest heartbreak, she can’t say no. A cruise on her brother’s yacht sounds like heaven…until she realizes her brother’s best friend has been invited along for the ride.


Steven Stark is big, he’s loud, and he’s obviously not interested in the plump, plain little sister he used to tease unmercifully. In fact, he’s still quite happy to tease her – until she turns the tables on him. Now, Steven can’t seem to keep his thoughts, or his hands, to himself. And worse, Judy’s not sure she can resist the attraction she’s kept buried for so many years.


Being trapped on a boat isn’t the best place to be, when you’re suddenly thrown a hunky curveball.


Alison Tyler – The Spanking House


The Spanking House is a fantastical tale of a writer struggling against the beast known as “writer’s block.” Mia Rogers rents a cozy cottage in a small town in hopes of jumpstarting the novel she can’t seem to finish. When she meets Tripp Johnson, she becomes motivated in ways she previously hadn’t thought possible.